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Displaying posts with tag: ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE (reset)
About the new warnings generated during 'PURGE BINARY LOGS' execution

In this blog, I will discuss about warnings that users might face if they are trying to purge active/in_use binary log which are introduced in MySQL-5.6.12/MySQL-5.7.2 releases.  Before jumping directly to that, I will be covering few basic things about PURGE BINARY LOGS command, about safe way to purge the binary logs on a replication forum. If you are good at basics on "PURGE BINARY LOGS" , you can choose to directly move to the section (at the end of the blog) where I was talking about these new warnings.

A binary log file contains “events” that describe database changes occurred on a MySQL Server (typically called Master) that enabled binary logging using --log-bin. On a Master server, the files that are related to binary logging are binary log files (files with binlog_base_name.6_digit serial_number) and a binary log index file (file with …

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