I log into a lot of different servers running MySQL and one of the first things I do is create a file in my home directory called ‘.my.cnf’ with my credentials to that local mysql instance:
[client] user=root password=secret
This means I don’t have to type my password in every time, nor am I tempted to include it on the command line with -p and get the dreaded (but completely accurate):
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
MySQL 5.6 introduces a utility to make this easier and more secure. First, let’s start with a new mysqld instance with a blank root password and make it more secure:
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ mysqladmin -u root password New password:secret Confirm new password:secret [vagrant@localhost ~]$ mysql -u root ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user …[Read more]