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Displaying posts with tag: pt-diskstats (reset)
new to pstop – vmstat style stdout interface

In November last year I announced a program I wrote called pstop. I hope that some of you have tried it and found it useful. Certainly I know that colleagues and friends use it and it has proved helpful when trying to look inside MySQL to see what it is doing. A recent suggestion provoked me … Continue reading new to pstop – vmstat style stdout interface

MySQL 101: Monitor Disk I/O with pt-diskstats

Here on the Percona Support team we often ask customers to retrieve disk stats to monitor disk IO and to measure block devices iops and latency. There are a number of tools available to monitor IO on Linux. iostat is one of the popular tools and Percona Toolkit, which is free, contains the pt-diskstats tool for this purpose. The pt-diskstats tool is similar to iostat but it’s more interactive and contains extended information. pt-diskstats reports current disk activity and shows the statistics for the last second (which by …

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