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Displaying posts with tag: phalcon (reset)
How to install Phalcon PHP framework in Ubuntu linux?

Well, we have all heard about the fastest php framework out there. But how do we install it in a Ubuntu Linux machine.

Default process for any linux setup.


1. First, we need  a few packages previously installed. To install them, issue the distro specific command in your linux terminal.

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-mysql gcc libpcre3-dev

For Fedora:

sudo yum install php-devel php-mysqlnd gcc libtool


sudo yum install php-devel php-mysql gcc libtool

For Suse:

yast2 -i php5-pear php5-devel php5-mysql gcc

Basically, here we are installing the dev tools we require to compile and setup the Phalcon extension.

2. Get the Phalcon build using git

git …

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