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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL file structure (reset)
Examining the TokuDB MySQL storage engine file structure

As we know different storage engines in MySQL have different file structures. Every table in MySQL 5.6 must have a .frm file in the database directory matching the table name. But where the rest of the data resides depends on the storage engine.

For MyISAM we have .MYI and .MYD files in the database directory (unless special settings are in place); for InnoDB we might have data stored in the single table space (typically ibdata1 in the database directory) or as file per table (or better said file per partition) producing a single file with .ibd extension for each table/partition. TokuDB as of this version (7.1.7) has its own innovative approach to storing the table contents.

I have created the table in the database test having the following structure:

CREATE TABLE `mytable` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `c` varchar(15) NOT NULL, …
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