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Streaming backups onto the Cloud Storage

MySQL Enterprise Backup(MEB) has been widely used as the most efficient tool to take backups of huge databases. The storage of backups can be done on-premises – viz, local hard disk, external hard disk drives, network mounted disk. MEB can also stream backups to tape by supporting different Media Management Software like Symantec NetBackup, EMC2 and Oracle Secure Backup. Streaming of backups can also be done using 'ssh' to another machine.

As data keeps growing, instead of expanding the storage, database users are choosing to rely on the growing trend which is the Cloud Storage.

A few facts about Cloud Storage:

1. Offers off-premises storage with AAA(Anytime, Anywhere Access)
2. Sharing of data to make a collaborative effort.
3. Highly fault tolerant, durable and scalable and secure.
4. Cost-effective

To the benefit of our MySQL database users, Mysql …

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