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Displaying posts with tag: error log messages (reset)
Log Changes with MySQL 5.7

Most MySQL-ers quickly learn to move logs out of the data directory. Hopefully the logs are being written to a different disk, on a different controller than where the data is being kept. The horror of finding you database server dead to the world because the single partition used for everything was filled up by the error log should be a thing of the past. MySQL 5.7 will give DBAs better control of log files,

As of 5.7.2, we have gained the ability to control the verbosity of error messages with log_error_verbosity. This system variable controls verbosity in writing error, warning, and note messages to the error log. A value of 1 provides errors only, 2 adds warnings, and 3 adds notes. The default value is 3. And with that with level 3, aborted connections and access-denied errors for new connection attempts are written to the error log.

The good ol’ log_warnings is being deprecated in favor of the added …

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