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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL server memory usage (reset)
What To Do When MySQL Runs Out of Memory: Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting crashes is never a fun task, especially if MySQL does not report the cause of the crash. For example, when MySQL runs out of memory. Peter Zaitsev wrote a blog post in 2012: Troubleshooting MySQL Memory Usage with a lots of useful tips. With the new versions of MySQL (5.7+) and performance_schema we have the ability to troubleshoot MySQL memory allocation much more easily.

In this blog post I will show you how to use it.

First of all, there are 3 major cases when MySQL will crash due to running out of memory:

  1. MySQL tries to allocate more memory than available because we specifically told it to do so. For example: you did not set innodb_buffer_pool_size correctly. This is very easy to fix
  2. There is some other process(es) on the server that allocates RAM. It can be the application …
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MySQL server memory usage troubleshooting tips

There are many blog posts already written on topics related to “MySQL server memory usage,” but nevertheless there are some who still get confused when troubleshooting issues associated with memory usage for MySQL. As a Percona support engineer, I’m seeing many issues regularly related to heavy server loads – OR OOM killer got invoked and killed MySQL server due to high Memory usage… OR with a question like: “I don’t know why mysql is taking so much memory. How do I find where exactly memory is allocated? please help!”

There are many ways to check memory consumption of MySQL. So, I’m just trying here to explain it by combining all details that I know of in this post.

  • Check memory related Global/Session variables.

If you are using …

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