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Displaying posts with tag: crash-safe slaves (reset)
Enabling crash-safe slaves with MySQL 5.6

Being able to configure slaves to be crash-safe is one of the major improvements of MySQL 5.6 with regards to replication. However we noticed confusion on how to enable this feature correctly, so let’s clarify how it should be done.

In short

1. Stop MySQL on slave
2. Add relay_log_info_repository = TABLE and relay_log_recovery = ON in my.cnf
3. Restart MySQL and relax

The gory details

To fully understand why you should change the above settings if you want crash-safe slaves, let’s first look at the reasons why replication can break when a slave crashes.

On a slave, replication involves 2 threads: the IO thread which copies the binary log of the master to a local copy called the relay log and the SQL thread which then executes the queries written in the relay log. The current position of each thread is stored in a file: for the IO thread …

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