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Displaying posts with tag: innodb versions (reset)
Comprehensive How-To for Enabling the Standard InnoDB Plugin in MariaDB and MySQL

I’m always switching back-and-forth between the 2 different InnoDB flavors in MariaDB – XtraDB+ and the standard InnoDB plugin, so I thought I’d simply post all of the various combinations in a single place. (And then I cover enabling the InnoDB Plugin in MySQL, since it’s an option in 5.1.) [Addition: Thanks to Andrew and Sergei for the tips on shortening plugin-load=. The changes are reflected below.]

Note: Below is for Windows. For Linux, simply change “.dll” to “.so” where appropriate.

MariaDB 10.0:

Do not add anything, as the standard InnoDB plugin is the current default (as of 10.0.3, although I do anticipate this changing in the near future, and I’ll update the post accordingly when that happens).

MariaDB 5.5:

# Enable the 2 below to disable XtraDB+ and enable the standard InnoDB Plugin

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InnoDB Plugin Version Numbering in MySQL and MariaDB

As some of you may or may not know, I’ve maintained a list of all InnoDB Plugin versions as they’ve historically contained a different version (entirely different numbering scheme) than the MySQL distribution they were included with.

This list was most helpful for troubleshooting various InnoDB issues when the plugin may (or may not) have been involved, and/or for benchmarking, etc. And it’s fair to say it was more useful when the InnoDB plugin was not the mainstream, which it is now.

However, with the latest releases, in MySQL and MariaDB, the “InnoDB Version” simply matches the “MySQL Version”. These “latest releases” include: MySQL 5.6.10, MySQL 5.5.30, MySQL 5.1.68, and MariaDB 5.5.30

Of course this isn’t the most newsworthy story, but having maintained this “list” the past couple/few years, I was happy to see the change, …

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