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Displaying posts with tag: EM 12c (reset)
Quiet Release MySQL Plugin — Bug Fixes

This is just a small bug-fix release of the plugin. It has actually been quietly released for a while now. If you have downloaded the plugin recently, you have the latest version. To be sure, check the version in the Console, or you can see it in the file name.

There are two bugs fixed:
1. Deployment on an OMS hosted on Solaris didn’t work. (And I suspect it could be the same for Agents on Solaris.)
2. Changing thresholds on the metrics caused the error “Modification of Target Monitoring Settings has Failed”. Also, applying monitoring template was failing for the same reason.

If you didn’t know that you could setup threshold and customized the thresholds that are set out of the box with the plugin, then you are not fully using Enterprise Manager. You can do that in the MySQL target menu — Monitoring -> Metric and Collection Settings. When alert or warning conditions are met, Oracle EM can raise …

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Announcing MySQL Plugin for Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control

MySQL management plugin for EM 12c has been long overdue. I’ve initially migrated the older plugin to EM 12c about 6 months ago, and few dozen people received this as the initial beta of the plugin. It worked OK but didn’t use any of the new 12c features, and its home page was a bit of a mess in the EM 12c Cloud Control web interface.

I’ve had lots of new features to add, but I didn’t really have much time to invest into completing them all. Finally, I decided to just finish the home page dashboard and clean it up from all unfinished new features. I did, however, finish MySQL Slave configuration and status monitoring, which was the largest gap in the the functionality of the previous plugin. There is no custom UI for MySQL slave management yet (that’s coming), but monitoring is available as standard metrics and configuration management …

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Log Buffer #280, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition is sparkling with fresh and budding blogs. This Log Buffer #280 is is encompassing Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL blogs. Please give your feedback in the comments. Enjoy Oracle: Kent Graziano shares the best practice about how to create the best data model ever. To compress or not to compress, Apun [...]

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