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Displaying posts with tag: shell commands (reset)
Fun with Bash :: one liners

Here are some quick and easy bash commands to solve every day problems I run into. Comment and leave some of your own if you like. I might update this post with new ones over time. These are just some common ones.

Iterate through directory listing and remove the file extension from each file
ls -1 | while read each; do new=`echo $each |sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/'` && echo $new && mv "$each" "$new"; done

Output relevant process info, and nothing else
ps axo "user,pid,ppid,%cpu,%mem,tty,stime,state,command"| grep -v "grep" | grep $your-string-here

Setup a SOCKS5 proxy on localhost port 5050, to tunnel all traffic through a destination server
ssh -N -D 5050 username@destination_server'

Setup a SOCKS5 proxy via a remote TOR connection, using local port 5050 and remote TOR port 9050
ssh -L 5050: username@destination_server'

Display text or code file contents to screen but don't display any # comment lines
sed -e '/^#/d' $1 < …
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