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Displaying posts with tag: milliseconds (reset)
Milliseconds value support on DateTime Columns

Since the release of the 5.6 Community MySQL Server there is support for the milliseconds value in Time, TimeStamp and DateTime types.  You can find more information on this new feature at (  Starting with version 6.5, Connector/Net fully supports milliseconds. This support does not affect compatibility with older versions of MySQL and it gives you the ability to use fractional seconds when combining Connector/Net 6.5 with MySQL Server 5.6 or later.  Let's see how we should use it.

Creating a DateTime column that include Milliseconds value.

You can do this either using Connector/Net or using any MySQL client with a valid connection to your database.

For this case we're going to use MySqlCommand class within a console application in VS 2010.

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Milliseconds value support on DateTime Columns

Since the release of the 5.6 Community MySQL Server there is support for the milliseconds value in Time, TimeStamp and DateTime types.  You can find more information on this new feature at (  Starting with version 6.5, Connector/Net fully supports milliseconds. This support does not affect compatibility with older versions of MySQL and it gives you the ability to use fractional seconds when combining Connector/Net 6.5 with MySQL Server 5.6 or later.  Let's see how we should use it.

Creating a DateTime column that include Milliseconds value.

You can do this either using Connector/Net or using any MySQL client with a valid connection to your database.

For this case we're going to use MySqlCommand class within a console application in VS 2010.

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