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Displaying posts with tag: explain plan (reset)
Discover MyXplain, another way to learn, search, find and stroll



I’m very glad to announce you that MyXplain is released today.

This project is the result of many weeks of work for my friend Max and I and we are obviously very proud to present it.

Please take a time to browse it and find all the surprises that awaiting you.

We wanted to make an unique place, a gathering place where you can find all you want to know about the most useful MySQL commands.
We started with the explain command because we consider it as one of the most important.
show processlist and show slave status will be the next proposed commands on MyXplain.

The concept is pretty simple, we would like to offer you a new documentation to access all needed …

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Book Review – Effective MySQL

Read the original article at Book Review – Effective MySQL

Effective MySQL: Optimizing SQL Statements by Ronald Bradford No Nonsense, Readable, Practical, and Compact I like that this book is small; 150 pages means you can carry it easily.  It’s also very no nonsense.  It does not dig too deeply into theory unless it directly relates to your day-to-day needs.  And those needs probably cluster [...]

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