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Displaying posts with tag: Xmla4Js (reset)
Installing the Open Source Xavier XML/A client on icCube OLAP suite

IcCube is a relatively young Swiss company specialized in creating OLAP software products. Their flagship product is the icCube Suite, providing an OLAP server, an XML for Analysis service, and a bunch of browser-based client tools for modeling cubes and dimensions, and for querying, reporting and visualizing OLAP data.

When you download the icCube trial edition, you'll get a java web server with an already deployed instance of the icCube java web application. This set-up makes it super-easy to install any browser-based third party XML/A clients for icCube.

In this blog post I want to provide you with the instructions to deploy the ad-hoc OLAP query tool called Xavier directly on your icCube server. This allows you to do ad-hoc, drag 'n drop style reporting on any data exposed by the icCube server.

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Proposals for Codebits.EU

Codebits is an annual 3-day conference about software and, well, code. It's organized by SAPO and this year's edition is to be held on November 10 thru 12 at the Pavilhão Atlântico, Sala Tejo in Lisbon, Portugal.

I've never attended SAPO Codebits before, but I heard good things about it from Datacharmer Giuseppe Maxia. The interesting thing about the way this conference is organized is that all proposals are available to the public, which can also vote for the proposals. This year's proposals are looking very interesting already, with high quality proposals from …

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