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Installing the Open Source Xavier XML/A client on icCube OLAP suite

IcCube is a relatively young Swiss company specialized in creating OLAP software products. Their flagship product is the icCube Suite, providing an OLAP server, an XML for Analysis service, and a bunch of browser-based client tools for modeling cubes and dimensions, and for querying, reporting and visualizing OLAP data.

When you download the icCube trial edition, you'll get a java web server with an already deployed instance of the icCube java web application. This set-up makes it super-easy to install any browser-based third party XML/A clients for icCube.

In this blog post I want to provide you with the instructions to deploy the ad-hoc OLAP query tool called Xavier directly on your icCube server. This allows you to do ad-hoc, drag 'n drop style reporting on any data exposed by the icCube server.

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