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Displaying posts with tag: key value pairs (reset)
Dynamic de-normalization of attributes stored in key-value pair tables

Dear Kettlers,

A couple of years ago I wrote a post about key/value tables and how they can ruin the day of any honest person that wants to create BI solutions.  The obvious advice I gave back then was to not use those tables in the first place if you’re serious about a BI solution.  And if you have to, do some denormalization.

However, there are occasions where you need to query a source system and get some report going on them.  Let’s take a look at an example :

mysql> select * from person;
| id | name  | lastname |
|  1 | Lex   | Luthor   |
|  2 | Clark | Kent     |
|  3 | Lois  | Lane     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from person_attribute;
| id | person_id | attr_key      | attr_value | …
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