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Displaying posts with tag: netbeans (reset)
Digital TV-based Banking using GlassFish, NetBeans and MySQL - Ginga community in Brazil

Learn how GlassFish and NetBeans helped Ginga community to build a TV Banking application in Brazil. See a live demo of the product, it's really exciting!

Why GlassFish ? - They love how NetBeans tooling completely hides the complexity of what's happening underneath and the ease-of-use with GlassFish.

Thanks Hugo Lavalle for the interview and good luck with your product!

Technorati: conf fisl brazil glassfish

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Digital TV-based Banking using GlassFish, NetBeans and MySQL - Ginga community in Brazil

Learn how GlassFish and NetBeans helped Ginga community to build a TV Banking application in Brazil. See a live demo of the product, it's really exciting!

Why GlassFish ? - They love how NetBeans tooling completely hides the complexity of what's happening underneath and the ease-of-use with GlassFish.

Thanks Hugo Lavalle for the interview and good luck with your product!

Technorati: conf fisl brazil glassfish

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FISL 2009 Day 1 Report

I presented on "Creating powerful web applications using GlassFish, MySQL and NetBeans/Eclipse" as the first talk of FISL 10 yesterday. The room was only partial full being the first talk of FISL but got packed towards the middle so that was exciting. The slides are available here.

The key message is that NetBeans and Eclipse provide a seamless development/deployment environment for GlassFish.

The several demos shown in the talk are explained at:

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FISL 2009 Day 1 Report

I presented on "Creating powerful web applications using GlassFish, MySQL and NetBeans/Eclipse" as the first talk of FISL 10 yesterday. The room was only partial full being the first talk of FISL but got packed towards the middle so that was exciting. The slides are available here.

The key message is that NetBeans and Eclipse provide a seamless development/deployment environment for GlassFish.

The several demos shown in the talk are explained at:

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FISL 2009 Day 1 Report

I presented on "Creating powerful web applications using GlassFish, MySQL and NetBeans/Eclipse" as the first talk of FISL 10 yesterday. The room was only partial full being the first talk of FISL but got packed towards the middle so that was exciting. The slides are available here.

The key message is that NetBeans and Eclipse provide a seamless development/deployment environment for GlassFish.

The several demos shown in the talk are explained at:

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Recap of Southeast Linux Fest 2009

Last weekend, my brother and I attended SELF 2009. A few thoughts on it:

The mixture of sessions was interesting. There were some really good ones. I think the best session I attended was an OpenSolaris/NetBeans/Glassfish/Virtualbox/ZFS session, given by a Sun employee. He was an excellent presenter, and really showed off the strengths of the technologies in a nice way. He started up enough VMs to make his OpenSolaris laptop chew into swap, and I thought it was fun to see how it dealt with that. I’ve heard Solaris and OpenSolaris do a lot better at avoiding and managing swapping than GNU/Linux, but I couldn’t make any opinion from watching. I did think it was odd to have this session at a “Linux” (yes, they left off the GNU) conference. But I thought the session was a good addition to the conference. In other sessions, and in the hallways and expo, there was a lot more …

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GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil

FISL stands for "Forum Internacional Software Livre" in the Portuguese language and means "International Free Software Forum" in the English language. The punch line is "A technologia que liberta" and means "The technology that liberates".

This is the biggest event about free software in America and was attended by 7417 participants in 2008.

Just like "Freedom of Speech" is a basic human right, "Freedom of Software" is a basic right for the technology evolution. GlassFish gives you the freedom:

  • To Pick your own framework: Java EE, Ruby-on-Rails, Python/Django, Groovy/Grails, or any other
  • Choose your IDE: …
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GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil

FISL stands for "Forum Internacional Software Livre" in the Portuguese language and means "International Free Software Forum" in the English language. The punch line is "A technologia que liberta" and means "The technology that liberates".

This is the biggest event about free software in America and was attended by 7417 participants in 2008.

Just like "Freedom of Speech" is a basic human right, "Freedom of Software" is a basic right for the technology evolution. GlassFish gives you the freedom:

  • To Pick your own framework: Java EE, Ruby-on-Rails, Python/Django, Groovy/Grails, or any other
  • Choose your IDE: …
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GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil

FISL stands for "Forum Internacional Software Livre" in the Portuguese language and means "International Free Software Forum" in the English language. The punch line is "A technologia que liberta" and means "The technology that liberates".

This is the biggest event about free software in America and was attended by 7417 participants in 2008.

Just like "Freedom of Speech" is a basic human right, "Freedom of Software" is a basic right for the technology evolution. GlassFish gives you the freedom:

  • To Pick your own framework: Java EE, Ruby-on-Rails, Python/Django, Groovy/Grails, or any other
  • Choose your IDE: …
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AWS Experience Part 8: Bundling OpenSolaris

Hi all,

I created the perfect AMI: OpenSolaris with JDK, Ant, MySQl 5 and GlassFish. And then it turns out that OpenSolaris has different directions for bundling than Linux. It took me a while to find them, but I did. Here they are (I'll skip the pre-bundling cleaning up):

  1. Connect to the OpenSolaris instance in the same way as Linux (SSH).
  2. Execute the following commands: cd /mnt and /opt/ec2/sbin/ -v your-bundle.img. Note: of course you can name the bundle whatever you want.
  3. Get some coffee. This could take a while.
  4. Set the following environment variables:
    • export BUCKET=<bucket-name>
    • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk/latest
    • export EC2_HOME=/opt/ec2
    • export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
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Showing entries 51 to 60 of 195
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