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MySQL Conference Speaker Spotlight: Episode 5 - Zak Greant

Despite Jeremy Cole's stinginess in his replies to my last speaker spotlight entry ( ) I'm continuing my efforts this round with Zak Greant, who will be leading a session for MySQL newbies at the conference called "MySQL Sandalcamp: A Relaxed Introduction to MySQL". This hour-long session is aimed at beginners who want to learn the basics of creating and querying tables, setting up a user, etc.

One of the coolest blokes I've had the privelege of meeting, Zak is one of those personalities who leave an instant impression on you (if you meet him, check out his wedding "ring" ... it's actually a tattoo...). Anyway, …

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Portrait of the Artist as a Young Database Strategist

There's a good article at that profiles MySQL database guru Brian Aker and his background in achieving high scalability of systems.  Brian is also one of the speakers at the upcoming MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara April 23-26. Brian will be covering several tutorials and sessions on MySQL 5.1, storage engines and replication.  (Note: Tutorials tend to sell out early, so if you want to make sure you can attend these, you should register by March 14.)

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DBD::mysql 4.003 Released!

I'm pleased to announce the release of DBD::mysql 4.003! This release contains
various fixes including:

  • Fix re-exec of Makefile.PL when forcing $ENV{LANG} to 'C'. (RT #25233,
    reported by Slaven Rezic).
  • Rewrote table_info method to support all arguments (previously it would
    only ever return all of the tables in the current database, no matter what
    was specified)
  • Fixed $DBD::mysql::VERSION to be a string instead of a float, which caused
    problems for certain locales
  • Fixed bug #23974. $dbh->column_info now returns statement handle with no rows upon table not existing. Much thanks to Tim Bunce for help fixing the problem in vs. dbdimp.c
  • Removed #ifdefs for do error (sqlstate being passed as last arg depending on
  • Fixed insertid test to work with …
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Power of MySQL Storage Engines

Where does real power of MySQL Storage Engines, and pluggable storage engines as MySQL 5.1 lays ? It is very much advertised this allows third parties to create their own storage engines and we can see solutions as Solid and PBXT . Plus there is Falcon storage engine being developed inside MySQL.

All of these storage engines are however similar in their features and focus - all of them are transactional storage engines with multi versioning and row level locks so it is question of architecture implementation details of how it would compare to Innodb storage engine - old timer in this space. Does it add choice to the people ? Yes! but it also adds high level of complexity because it will not be easy to figure out which storage engine or storage engine mix is best match for …

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MySQL bulk load

Pretty Sick Slick

The last week I was under the weather and a year ago that would have meant that development of Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) would pretty much stop. These days I’m happy to say that this is absolutely not true anymore. In fact, hundreds of commits where done in the last week.

MySQL bulk load

To pick one example, Samatar Hassan added a job entry that allows you to configure a MySQL Bulk load job entry:

This job entry loads data as fast as possible into a MySQL database by using the LOAD DATA SQL command. It’s not as flexible as the Text File Input step, but it sure is fast. In certain cases, it might actually be up to ten times as fast. In short: …

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An interesting but ambitious idea would be to refactor the mysqld code in a major way: Not just a minor tweek but would take a lot of the concepts, libraries and design of mysqld and put them together in a cleaner way with the benefit of hindsight, wishlists and the goals of mysqld. Very possible to do but not at all easy.

Inside Second Life's Data Centers
MySQL Table Checksum bug fix

I somehow introduced a syntax error into MySQL Table Checksum in the 1.0.1 release and didn’t notice till just now. I’ve replaced the file in the Sourceforge release, but it may take a few hours for it to propagate to all mirrors. My apologies.

An algorithm to find and resolve data differences between MySQL tables

I’ve been designing an algorithm to resolve data differences between MySQL tables, specifically so I can ‘patch’ a replication replica that has gotten slightly out of sync without completely re-initializing it. I intend to create a tool that can identify which rows are different and bring them into sync. I would like your thoughts on this. Background and requirements I see this as the next step in my recent series of posts on MySQL tools and techniques to keep replication running reliably and smoothly.

Dual licensing the only way to go?

Matt Asay proposes the following definition to the answer what consititudes an "open source company" that I blogged about yesterday: "An open source company is one that, as its core revenue-generating business, actively produces, distributes, and sells (or sells services around) software under an OSI-approved license."

I see a lot of merit in this definition. However it does shut out companies like EnterpriseDB that do proprietary extensions while feeding a lot of code back to the open source parent. Of course you can point to the fact that the product they sell is not open source.

This however is the only code based business model around BSD projects. Without picking favorites, I personally do appreciate the fact that BSD style projects produce an ecosystem that …

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Showing entries 38101 to 38110 of 43769
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