Showing entries 37931 to 37940 of 43779
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MySQL as a Research Project Contributor

From time to time, MySQL employees are approached with proposals from universities and other research institutions about MySQL participating in research programmes financed by governmental initiatives in the US and in the EU. This is much appreciated. Often, there is a mutual interest, where

  • academics need an industrial partner to anchor the results of the research into a real-world application and even to fulfil the requirements of getting a grant, and
  • the MySQL user community needs new features in MySQL Server, or in the Connectors enabling the use of MySQL from various development environments.

Left: MySQL University refers to the highest form of education when it comes to learning how to develop MySQL Server (as opposed to using it). It’s opening up for the MySQL …

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The MySQL Vision - What do you see?

I used to wear glasses (was nearsighted), but through some natural processes that I won’t go into here, I actually reversed my nearsightedness and now see clearly without the need for glasses. Having clear vision is a great thing, both for individuals and for companies.

One of the terrific aspects about MySQL is that the vision for the database is established with the help of the very active and innovative community of MySQL users who are daily pushing and extending the MySQL database server to do new and exciting things. We are in the process now of crafting the future vision of the server, and that process would be incomplete without your input.

Where would you like to see MySQL go in the coming years? What new areas would you like to see MySQL address? What does your business need MySQL to do that it currently doesn’t? We’re not talking about detailed feature requests here, but more of a “big picture” type of thing. …

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Apache Friends XAMPP 2.0 Survey

In May 2007 XAMPP will be five years old and we think this is a good time to think about changes and improvements to XAMPP. That's what this survey is for: to find out what your needs are and what we can do to improve XAMPP in the next major release.

The survey will run for exactly one month (from March 22nd to April 22nd 2007), after which we will publish the results right here.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. We appreciate your feedback and we will use it to make XAMPP even more useful and enjoyable. ;)

If there are any questions you don't want to answer, you don't have to. You choose.

Apache Friends XAMPP 2.0 Survey »

451 CAOS Links - 2007.03.21

MuleSource expands team…Digium delivers Asterisk appliance…R1Soft introduces data protection for MySQL…and more…

MuleSource Expands Global Management Team With New Hires From JBoss, Sun, and Tibco, MuleSource (Press Release)

Digium Delivers Asterisk Appliance for Full-featured, Cost-effective Internet Telephony, Digium (Press Release)

R1Soft Introduces Continuous Data Protection for MySQL, Righteous Software (Press Release)

Novell’s tiny regret in Microsoft deal, The Register, Gavin Clarke (Article)

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[Presentation Announcement] CouchDb

I'll be giving a presentation about CouchDb tomorrow night at the PHP UG Dortmund. If you're in the area, come and say hello.

You'll learn what CouchDb is, why it is so cool and how to use it with PHP. The talk will be in German, but I'll make some material available in English some time after the presentation.

In case you'd like to see this or my High Availability talk at your local usergroup, company or conference, you can find contact information at my website. I'd like to hear from you!

Visiting SNAP Innovation, developers of PBXT Storage Engine

I’m just back from SNAP Innovation, the developers of the Primebase XT (PBXT) storage engine, here in Hamburg / Altona. What a pleasure to visit a company that, despite its closed-source roots, has understood and embraced what Open Source is all about and how it can open up business possibilities!

Left: Paul McCullagh

PBXT is a pluggable storage engine that fits in with MySQL 5.1. It is fully transactional, and supports MVCC. That makes it a good fit for many purposes, but the area where it is an especially good fit is for the industry that SNAP has been serving for the past decades: the publishing industry. No matter whether print …

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Rush to register for the MySQL Summer of Code (extended deadline!)

MySQL has joined Google
Summer of Code 2007 and has launched its own Summer of Code branch.

Are you a student and a skilled programmer? Do you use MySQL? Do you have ideas on how to improve it? (Do you want to use this cool logo in your blog? :) )
Here's your chance to participate. Rush to read the announcement and the full instructions in MySQL Forge and then apply!
Time is short. The deadline is …

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A couple of useful mysqldump options

In my replication environment I had a hardware failure on master host. A 4.5.GB table containing blob images wa corrupted, so I issued a REPAIR TABLE and the effect was to repair the table but also to reduce the number of rows: master table had just 41 rows less than the copies on the slave hosts on a total of a hundred thousand rows.
So, the problem now is how to recover only those rows from a slave and re-populate the master table avoiding to dump the entire table. And how to do that with a single command line instruction?

We can use a couple of mysqldump options.
The first option to use is --where="where_condition", it dumps only rows selected by the given WHERE condition.

So let's try a first instruction.

slave1:/> mysqldump -u root -proot_pwd --where="idimg between 93305 and 93346" mydb images | mysql -h master_host -u root -proot_pwd mydb

But this …

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A couple of useful mysqldump options

In my replication environment I had a hardware failure on master host. A 4.5.GB table containing blob images wa corrupted, so I issued a REPAIR TABLE and the effect was to repair the table but also to reduce the number of rows: master table had just 41 rows less than the copies on the slave hosts on a total of a hundred thousand rows.
So, the problem now is how to recover only those rows from a slave and re-populate the master table avoiding to dump the entire table. And how to do that with a single command line instruction?

We can use a couple of mysqldump options.
The first option to use is –where=”where_condition”, it dumps only rows selected by the given WHERE condition.

So let’s try a first instruction.

slave1:/> mysqldump -u root -proot_pwd --where="idimg between 93305 and 93346" mydb images | mysql -h master_host -u root -proot_pwd mydb

But …

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Don?t reference auto increment ids outside of mysql.

It’s a common practice to use MySQL’s auto increment feature for things like product ids or invoice numbers. While it always works when the system is first setup it can cause major headaches over time. The problems usually fall into one of three categories, dual master, test/staging setups, and reconciliation of ids.

MySQL in a dual master configuration requires that each master not be able to assign the other masters id. Replication events that use auto increment are tagged with the id that was allocated for that transaction. If you run mysqlbinlog on a bin log it will show something like SET INSERT_ID=123; This ensures that auto increment events are replicated to slaves correctly.

In a dual master configuration each master will try to allocate the same id, replicate the event to the other master where that id is already taken. This causes replication to stop on a duplicate key error. In MySQL 5 there are the …

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Showing entries 37931 to 37940 of 43779
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