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Mentioned on the AWS blog

I just got mentioned on the official AWS blog

Independent developer Mark Atwood has been working on a MySQL interface to Amazon S3. Released under the GNU Public License, the code is compatible with version 5.1 of MySQL. Once the interface has been installed and configured with your AWS developer credentials, you can now create tables using the AWSS3 storage engine like this:

CREATE TABLE atst (s3id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, s3val BLOB)) ENGINE='AWSS3' connection='awss3 bucketname aws_id aws_secret'

This is a bleeding-edge, first-cut release and, as is the case with popular open source projects, will undoubtedly evolve and mature rapidly over the coming weeks and months.

Based on Mark's S3 journal entries, the basic functionality is now in place. Each database table row is stored in an S3 object. The …

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Logs on demand, a DBA's prayer come true

Several months ago I wrote about logs on demand in MySQL 5.1.
Now that 5.1 is approaching its maturity stage, I am happy to report that this feature has proven itself very handy and useful.
Petr Chardin will talk about this very feature at the MySQL Conference and Expo.

While reviewing the material for this session, I remembered a usability report that I wrote when the feature was …

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PBXT 0.9.86 the MySQL Conference 2007 release!

I have just released PrimeBase XT 0.9.86 which will be my last release before the MySQL User Conference this year. The most significant change in this version is the reduction of the number of data logs used per table. This, and a number of other modifications, makes PBXT fit to handle databases with 1000's of tables.

If you would like to learn more about the development and design of PBXT then join me for my session at the MySQL User Conference in Santa Clara, on Wed, April 25, 10:45am - 11:45am, Ballroom F:

PrimeBase XT: Design and Implementation of a Transactional Storage Engine

Looking ahead, I would also like to invite all who are interested to the "Scalable BLOB Streaming Infrastructure" BoF, which is scheduled for …

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Peter Z's comments on PBXT, My own thoughts

LJ ate part of the post, so I am updating it with the original content.

I've not been posting a lot about my studies on bottlenecks in the
server and my work on what I am seeing with different engines, but I
thought I would comment on Peter's benchmarks on PBXT:

This is a bit off what I have found so far:

In all tests but the final, the task …

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Google?s worse nightmare

Today while waiting at the airport, I took a look at the news stand, and right there on the cover of Fast Company were two words Google, and Wikipedia. Given Wikipedia is a poster boy of MySQL it was an immediate purchase just to see what was being said.

So the title of the cover was Google’s worse nightmare - Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales has his sights set on the search business.

Now, often I use Wikipedia to search for things directly rather then using Google. I’ve found it usually to be more accurate, particular on topics I know it will contain. References to search users being disappointed, Google and Yahoo tied with a 2.3 of 5 in user satisfaction hits about home for me as week, and that’s exactly the ideas …

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OurSQL Episode 11: Catching Up

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MySQL signs a 1 million Euro deal with an unnamed European Telco.

MySQL 5.0.37 is out ? it’s an odd release, so it’s a community release, and it’s a full release with binaries and source. This release isa big milestone, as it includes the first patches submitted by the MySQL Community.

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How to clone virtual machine with VmWare Server

Today I was doing some pre-release testing of our software and to test it I was needed three separate servers running MySQL. After some thinking I decided to use my “old” workstation (actually it is pretty powerful Sempron with 2Gb of RAM, but now I use my macbook as a primary workstation) and start 3 separate virtual servers there. Of course, as all admins, I’m little bit lazy and installing Debian on all three machines was not appropriate solution ;-). So, I’ve created one machine, installed brand-new Debian Etch there and then begun to look for solution to clone this machine to run it in three copies. After all these operations were done, I’ve decided to spend time I’ve saved with this simple trick to describe here how to clone VmWare …

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MySQL Sandbox is the best thing since sliced bread

I've been preparing for my innotop session at the upcoming MySQL conference, and enlisted Giuseppe Maxia's MySQL Sandbox to help me get a bunch of MySQL servers, from 3.23.58 to 5.2.3, running on one machine. It was super-easy and has helped me find some bugs in innotop. I should have done this a long time ago.

PBXT benchmarks

The PBXT Storage Engine ( is getting stable and we decided to benchmark it in different workloads.
This time I tested only READ queries, similar to ones in benchmark InnoDB vs MyISAM vs Falcon
The difference is I used new sysbench with Lua scripting language, so all queries were scripted for sysbench.

New sysbench you can get from svn repository:


  1. svn co

The used LUA script for sysbench

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YouTube on MySQL

By Tim O'Reilly

Paul Tuckfield of YouTube has just joined the keynote lineup at the MySQL User Conference, which will be held April 23-26 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Paul will be talking about Scaling MySQL at YouTube. Every web 2.0 company is ultimately a database company. Some roll their own, a few, a very few, use proprietary commercial databases. Most are running on MySQL. Given the rapid scaling that YouTube has enjoyed, I'm sure Paul will have a lot of useful advice for other up-and-coming sites. Paul's keynote is part of a general focus on scalability at the conference -- there's an entire track on performance tuning and benchmarks, and another on …

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