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Meet the Experts at MySQL UC

As folks on several MySQL blogs have already noted, Solid will be hosting informal “Meet the Experts” discussion sessions during lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday at the MySQL Users Conference. We at Solid are quite excited to engage with so many smart folks from the community. We’ve initially set the discussion topics to “Migrating from MySQL 4.0 to 5.0″ for Tuesday and “Replication in the Real World” for Wednesday. However, the format is open, so people are free to discuss any other interesting topics that come up.

In addition, Solid is allowing people to use the discussion space in their booth on a first-come, first-serve basis for their own discussions. If you have an interesting topic on which you would like to host a discussion, come on by our booth and sign up for a free timeslot.

Dhiren Patel is coordinating the Meet the Experts sessions, so if you have a question about it, stop by the Solid booth and he can …

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MySQL Users Conference

Well, they're definitely thinking about getting started. Like last year I caught the VTA down -- it's hard to beat a $1.75 trip without having to worry about traffic. Registraton wasn't as smooth this year as last, for example I didn't get my free book (there didn't seem to be any attempt to hand those out to speakers). Whatever.

I'm now waiting for the replication talk to start.

Tags for this post: mysql conference mysqluc2007 registration

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Vital Rails: An Introduction ot the Ruby on Rails Framework

First session on Monday morning at the 2007 MySQL Conference is Joe O'Brien (who's title is "artisan") giving a tutorial on Rails.

I've fiddled with Ruby over the past year and have run through the process of setting up Rails and "generating" a scaffolding but it never gets much farther than a simple page or few simple pages with very basic functionality. I'm hoping this will be a good jumpstart to move things along even if it covers a lot of what I know already.

Interesting...Joe starts by talking about the DHH Creating a weblog in 15 minutes screencast and says "if you've seen it, forget it". The video makes Ruby on Rails looks like it is about code generation or templates. It is not about that. …

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2007 MySQL Conference Underway

It is hard to believe a year has passed since the last MySQL Conference. It also seems like so much has happened since then.

From a community perspective one major difference from last year is how many of the active community members have become MySQL employees in the last year. Congratulations to all the folks who joined the force.

It is good to see all of these familiar faces, and to meet new ones. The speakers lounge was buzzing with activity, and the conference halls will be shortly as things get rolling.

MySQL Conference & Expo

The MySQL Conference has started. It will be a long week, still yet to prepare my own presentation for tomorrow. Old friendships already renewed, plenty of faces to names already, and we have yet to hit the first session.

Today is tutorial day, this morning I’m with Paul McCullagh Mr PBXT in Scaling and High Availablilty Architectures by Jeremy Cole and Eric Bergen of Proven Scaling

Amazon EC2 and MySQL

The MySQL Conference kicks off this week in Santa Clara through Thursday.  We have tutorials and various customer and partner meetings today.  Some of the tutorials are sold out, but you can still register on site.  The main conference program starts Tuesday and there will be news announcements each day.

There's been a couple of late additions to the program which should be pretty cool, including a session called HA MySQL on EC2.  It sounds like a lot of acronyms, but it's very interesting stuff.  It's all about using Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud to create a virtual hosted scale out solution to high availability MySQL applications that you pay for "by the drink."  So if you imagine a web application which can have huge swings in demand and capacity, you can simply provision more computing power at …

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What is "real HA"? (a pitch of the MySQL Conference talk)

HA is for High Availability. And, "real" depends on what you mean. People used to measure availability in "nines". A typical demanding level, used in telecommunications, is called five-nines because it represents 99.999% availability. Over one year span, this leaves you with about 5 minutes of total allowed downtime. To have a better idea what it means, you have to assume the reliability of your system, i.e. how often it can fail or be brought down--for any reason: software, hardware, or maintenance. Say, it is once per week. This is 52 times during a year. With that, your time to recover is narrowed down to 6 seconds. Very likely, to have some additional safe margin, you would like to recover in 1-2 seconds. The game becomes serious. You know there is no way you can physically repair any computer in 1-2 seconds. You need to have redundant hardware and to have at least a hot-standby configuration (active/standby) to perform failovers.

In the …

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New Storage engines in 5.1

Transactional, ACID compliant Engine
Optimistic and Pessimistic Concurrency Control (Innodb uses Pessimistic)
Configurable Durability
Support transaction isolation on a per table basis

Transactional not fully ACID compliant
Recovers from a crash faster then myISAM
Designed for Heavy INSERT usage

Memcache Engine
Tables with Key Pairs
Insert into memcache through mysql and use the memcache client to select against it. Incredibly fast on insert, very nasty bug in memcache client C-API that more then 100 connections, lockups occure.
Multiple mysql servers can share the same data
Monitoring memcache servers with table data in mysql

AWS Engine
Store data in S3 - cheap way to store data not really going to use

HTTP Engine
Generic web service Engine

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mysql 5.1 SHOW PROCESS LIST AND slow query log

Oooh in 5.1 these are now system tables. Why should you care? The slow query log requires a full restart of mysql in previous versions of mysql. Now it's just a flag that can be turned on and queried against from the CSV storage engine.

oooh mysqlslap

I'm in the mysql uc tutorial on an indepth look at mysql 5.1. A new tool is out to replace my various benchmark tools called mysqlslap.

mysqlslap --concurrency=5 --iterations=5 --query=query.sql --create=create.sql --delimiter=";"

Very cool stuff to test various engines with a sites specific query type and uses.


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