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MySQL Conference 2007 Day 0.1

It was a nice enough flight from Ottawa to Chicago to San Jose, if a little long. Security (or the baggage handlers) completely trashed our boxes of information folders, but I think we managed to salvage some… so if you’re looking for information on Pythian, come see us early. The weather here is just like [...]

Master-Master Replication Example using MMM

Despite of my high load at work I decided to release mmm-1.0-pre2 today. There are some small, but critical fixes added and much more coming next week (or little bit later if mysqlconf will take more time than I think).

After the first alpha release I’ve received lots of emails, some messages in mmm-devel mail list and even some bug reports in Google Code bug tracking. One of the most asked things was documentation. So, I decided to write some posts in this blog (sorry to non-sql-related readers) and them compose some docs for final release using these posts and comments from readers. This post will be first in mmm-series and will describe how to use mmm in simple master+master scheme where one master …

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MYSQL Conference - Scaling and High Availablilty Architectures Tutorial

My first tutorial today at MySQL Conference 2007 is Scaling and High Availablilty Architectures by Jeremy Cole and Eric Bergen of Proven Scaling.

Basic Tenets

While not discussed, the premise is to Cache Everything. MemCache is a key component to any scalable system.

Lifetime of a scalable system

Using the analogy from a newborn child Jeremy stepped us through the categories Newborn, Toddler, Teenager, Late teens to 20s, Adult.

In Late teens to 20s, is where most systems die a slow death, he termed “the awkward stage”. This is where scalability is critical, and a meltdown for example can ruin you. Downtime is also just not acceptable for your user community.

When your Adult you need to perfect the …

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At the MySQL staff party

Marten invited me to join the MySQL staff party yesterday at his own house, where everybody would socialize before the rough conference week. I must confess I enjoyed it really much: very nice place with beautiful views, great people from all around the world, Nordic food prepared by a Swedish chef, an incredible magician playing tricks with cards (he found a card in my ear!). Marten’s family was very charming and the ambience was just great. This is a great start for the week

At MySQL Conference This Week

I am spending today preparing for my session at the MySQL conference on Thursday. I'll be speaking on "MySQL and .NET in the Real World" which will cover my experience creating and will also include a run-through of the Visual Studio integration with MySQL.

Last year I created a little command-line tool that generates MySQL data access classes for .NET 2.0. It's the tool that generates the data access layer for I am going to open-source this tool this week, most likely before my talk on Thursday, and I will do a demo of the tool as part of my talk at the conference. This tool is very simple -- it doesn't do as much as, say, SubSonic or NHibernate. But it does automatically generate about 80-90% of the data access code used in, and it has a few ease-of-use characteristics that I wanted -- mainly a low learning curve, explicit support for MySQL and .NET 2.0 and no dependencies on external libraries other …

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Fortune Cookie

Fortune Cookie at the MySQL Pre-Conference Party.

Zmanda at MySQL Conference and Expo

Zmanda is a Diamond sponsor of MySQL users conference. Come Visit us at booth 415.
Various membes of our team are also presenting at the conference. If backup of MySQL databases is
of interest to you, you do not want to miss any of the following presentation:

Zmanda Speakers

Keynote: Data Protection for the LAMP Economy
Presenter: Chander Kant, CEO, Zmanda
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2007
Time: 9:50am-10:20am
Location: Ballrooms E-H

Track: Security & Database Administration
Topic: MySQL Backup: Roadmap & Vision
Presenters: Paddy Sreenivasan, VP Engineering, Zmanda
Lars Thalmann, Replication & Clustering Technology, MySQL
Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2007

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Scaling Twitter: ?Is Twitter is UDP or TCP? Its definitely UDP.?

Presented by Blaine Cook, a developer from Odeo, now probably CTO of Twitter (Obvious Corp spawed, I think). There’s a video and slides (yes, you need evil Flash so I haven’t viewed it myself). Then there are my notes… possibly with some thoughts attached to them. No, they’re not organized, I’m too busy and tired…

Rails scales, but not out of the box. This will cause Twitter to stop working very quickly.

600 requests/second, 180 rails instances (mongrel), 1 DB server (MySQL) + 1 slave (read only slave, for statistics purposes), 30-odd processes for misc. jobs, 8 Sun X4100s.

Uncached requests in less than 200ms in most of the time.

1. realize …

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Keeping Skills Up-to-Date and Discoverability

One thing is always certain about information technology: there is always change. This past week I was pitching in on a Citrix upgrade for my organization and I went to tweak the web interface. Though I'm not primarily a "server guy" and directory services administrator, I do have a web developer skillset (in fact, that's how I got my start where I work now). However, it's been a few years since I've done anything but touch up work with regards to web development and initially I got that blank feeling... the one where you know how to do things but it's like your mind is cycling through the archives to pull back that information and bring it to the forefront. After a thankfully brief period of "brain thrashing," I went to it.

This experience reminded me of a .NET Rocks! episode with noted Windows …

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DreamHost runs MySQL 5.0.x

Maybe this is not unique, I haven't spent anya lot of time looking through hosting companies with respect to the version of MySQL available. I was happy t see this morning as I was following along with the Vital Rails tutorial:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1193499 to server version: 5.0.24a-standard-log
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