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Displaying posts with tag: ConferencesOurSQL Database Podcast (reset)
OurSQL Episode 15: Eben Moglen?s Keynote at the MySQL Conference

Eben Moglen, director of the Software Freedom Law Center, discusses why Free Beer isn't so good if your data are getting drunk! The keynote looks at how "Free as in Freedom" businesses help prevent the ultimate privacy catastrophe.   This speech is not to be missed!        Direct play this episode at:   Download all podcasts at:

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OurSQL Podcasts on DVD

If you can find me today during the MySQL Conference & Expo, I have a limited amount of DVD’s that contain all 15 podcasts on them. If you have been thinking you wanted to listen to the podcast but haven’t gotten around to downloading the episodes yet, here’s your chance! Just find me — Today I’m in a red top and black skirt….

OurSQL Episode 9: Jay Pipes Speaks About the MySQL Conference

This week I spoke with Jay Pipes about the upcoming MySQL Conference, April 23-26 in Santa Clara, California, USA.

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I had a setting wrong in my recording program and ended up having a very different sound quality than what I had wanted. I played with it as much as I could, but I apologize for the bad quality audio, especially the breathing that you can hear, the mouse clicks, and when you can hear me swallow …

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