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Monty: The First MySQL Fellow

At the end of today’s Clash of the DB Egos keynote, I had the pleasure of delivering the following speech:

Monty: When I was a child, my father used to work for the same company as Mike Smith [1] works for now. He told me about the concept of an IBM Fellow, which is considered to be the highest honour a technologist at IBM can achieve. Some of them are Nobel Prize winners, you get the picture. Today, MySQL has decided to honour you, for your work so far, and for the work we hope you will put in for the benefit of MySQL and its Community for many years to come. Thank you for creating MySQL, and for making meaning (like Guy Kawasaki spoke about yesterday [2]). You, Monty, have made all of this possible: the storage engines, the ecosystem, the conference. You’ve inspired and …

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Overheard at the MySQL Conference

By Tim O'Reilly

Here are a few tidbits I've overheard while walking the halls at the MySQL User Conference today:

  • "I was really impressed by Marten Mickos' keynote. I guess in Europe they hire CEOs who really know their stuff." (Ouch!)
  • "I'm sitting here at lunch with a guy from Mexico who uses MySQL to manage an auto manufacturing business. And those guys across the table are from in Canada. And they're both talking to an engineer from Sweden about MySQL performance optimization. It doesn't get much better than this."
  • "This is my favorite conference. There's so much good material, and it's all so practical."
  • "Someone's turned S3 into a storage engine for MySQL. How cool is …
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Open source becoming more innovative?

Years ago, I remember pontificating that open source would never touch the application market. Narrowly viewing open source through the prism of the day, I said things like this (to John Koenig at IT Managers Journal):

To date, enterprise-focused open source has been best in those areas of the software stack that have a broad (approaching universal) user population. Things like operating systems and browsers. When you have a population with the aptitude and interest in improving something (like the Linux kernel), there's simply no better way to develop it -- let users develop to what they want.

Open source works less well in applications that have a smaller niche of users. It's not that open source development communities can't do applications because we find FireFox, OpenOffice, and others, or that they can't do vertical market applications, because we …

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Quote - 25 April 2007

?What ever advice you got, keep it to yourself, your not the target market.”

Red Hat & One Laptop Per Child UI Designer to bunch of suits - MySQL Conference 2007

451 CAOS Links - 2007.04.24

CollabNet acquires SourceForge Enterprise Edition from VA Software. Red Hat acquires MetaMatrix for JBoss offering. MontaVista acquires MontaVista Ltd and Liberte. (and more)

Note: Due to a cross-country conference trip and limited Internet access, there was no 451 CAOS Links on Monday 04/23/07.

CollabNet and VA Software Sign Asset Purchase Agreement for Acquisition of SourceForge Enterprise Edition Business by CollabNet, CollabNet (Press Release)

Red Hat Defines Next Significant Open Source Migration Opportunity, Red Hat (Press Release)

MontaVista Acquires Two Companies to Increase Professional Services Capacity and to Broaden European Market Coverage, MontaVista …

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DotOrg: Wordpress, Eventum visits

I spoke to Matt and Barry today, and it was great to see them at the DotOrg Pavilion at the MySQL Expo, since the last time we caught up was at WordCamp 2006. Since WordCamp, is now spanning something like 900,000+ registered users! That number used to be over 300,000+, just a few months ago, so it looks like they’re really popular.

While Barry entertained a visitor, Matt and I got to talking about growing companies. He’s really happy with the size of Automattic, and is going to try for as long as possible to keep the company size, under fifty. He’s also found it interesting that some people are running WordPress 1.2 (ick! security holes galore), and while I worried that the database itself might not be migrate-able, he mentions that going …

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?Open Source disrupts inefficient models and produces new wealth.?

Today’s keynote, by MySQL CEO Marten Mickos, was titled The Participatory & Disruptive Spirit of the Dolphin. Here are some random notes I took.

Tired                Wired
Packaged Apps        On-Demand
Closed Source        Open Source (jboss, php, mysql, apache, linux)
Complex Hardware     Commodity Hardware

Most innovative companies, are clearly wired, and are enjoying the technology market shifts. Small players can now swim around the big players.

“Open Source disrupts inefficient models and produces new wealth.”

Star Wreck - Finnish dry humor, production by amateurs, and exteremely popular. Catch it on YouTube?

“We hope you’ll travel to MECA” - MySQL Enterprise Connection Alliance. Probably not the most sensible comment, but it does humor in it ;-)

Serve the underserved - offer flying to those that would …

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Recovering MEMORY tables during slave start up

Using MEMORY tables in MySQL is very useful; they are stored in memory and they are usually not so big in order to avoid a huge utilization of RAM. They are very fast.

MEMORY tables are often used to store session user data, chat messages and to store small frames of data from a bigger table in order to achieve great performance.

But, if you use them in a replication environment, you can have some problem due to their "volatility"; MEMORY table rows are lost when the server shuts down.

If you restart a slave host for some reason, you will have empty MEMORY tables on it, while the master host will have the correct ones.

How to populate automatically MEMORY tables at slave start up copying data from master host?

We could use something like LOAD TABLE table_name FROM MASTER, but it's deprecated, so we will use something else.

I have developed a stored procedure you have to create on the …

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IBM, MySQL team up on database software
MySQL AB and IBM Announce Open Source Database Support for the IBM System i Platform

MySQL AB and IBM today announced a joint technology and reseller agreement to bring support for the MySQL open source database to the IBM System i business computing platform.

The two companies will work together to offer the MySQL Server for i5/OS, the flagship operating system for System i, and plan to deliver DB2 for i5/OS as a certified MySQL storage engine on the System i platform. This will allow System i customers to implement online and transactional MySQL applications while storing all data in a single, easy-to-manage DB2 database.

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