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MySQL AB Announces Record Cluster Database Benchmark Results

MySQL AB today announced the results of recent DBT2 benchmarks of its MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition database. The announcement was made this morning at the 2007 MySQL Conference & Expo. Tests were conducted in collaboration with Intel Corporation and Dolphin Interconnect Solutions.

MySQL Conference and Expo 2007, Day 3

In my third day at the MySQL Conference and Expo 2007, I again attended keynotes and sessions, one of which I participated in. This evening I had dinner with a fellow community member and arrived late to the Quiz Show, even though I was supposed to be on one of the teams! I blame it on the restaurant, because they took too long to figure out what I meant when I said “können wir einen Hubschrauber essen heute abend?

451 CAOS Links - 2007.04.25

MySQL AB and IBM partner for System i. SourceLabs debuts open source management system. Open Solutions Alliance adds six new members. (and more)

MySQL AB and IBM Announce Open Source Database Support for the IBM System i Platform, IBM / MySQL AB (Press Release)

SourceLabs Enables Enterprises to Centralize and Manage Open Source Software, SourceLabs (Press Release)

Open Solutions Alliance Adds Six Members to Its Roster, Open Solutions Alliance (Press Release)

Momentum Continues For Oracle Unbreakable Linux Support Program, Oracle (Press Release)

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MySQL Roadmap

Here are some notes from the MySQL Server Roadmap session at the MySQL Conference 2007.

MySQL: Past and Future

  • 2001: 3:23
  • 2003: 4.0 UNION query Cache Embedded
  • 2004: 41. Subqueries
  • 2005: 5.0 Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views
  • Now: 5.1.17 Partitioning, Events, Row-based replication
  • 2007?: 6.0 Falcon, Performance, Conflict detection
  • 2008?: 6.1 Online Backup, FK Constraints

2007 Timeline

  • Q1: 5.1 Beta, 5.1 Telco Production Ready, Monitoring Service 1.1, MySQL 6.0 Alpha, Community GA
  • Q2: MySQL 6.0 Beta, New Connectors GA
  • Q3: 5.1 RC, 6.0 Beta, MS 2.0, Enterprise Dashboard beta
  • Q4: 5.1 GA, 6.0 Beta

Where are we today?

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Databases heat up (Google + MySQL, EMC + Oracle)

Google (likely thanks to the good work Chris DiBona is doing there) continues to build momentum behind its open source activities. Its most recent contributions involve MySQL. I'm not geeky enough to understand their significance, but I appreciate the motivation:

Google uses the MySQL open source relational database internally for some applications that aren't search related. And its engineers are keen to improve the code by making their improvements publicly available.

"We think MySQL is a fantastic data storage solution, and as our projects push the requirements for the database in certain areas, we've made changes to enhance MySQL itself, mainly in the areas of high availability and manageability," said Google engineer Mark Callaghan in a blog post.

I like to see this kind of voluntary contribution - Google clearly …

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DorsalSource: MySQL Community Build Site Launched

Back in late 2006, MySQL AB decided to split (or “fork” for the more common open source term) their source code and release structure into two parts: “Community” and “Enterprise”. This has caused quite a lot of stirring in the MySQL market, and a lot of confusion about what exactly the difference is and how the release structure works. It’s actually not easy to really explain the new structure, and I won’t try here. The key point for the purposes of this discussion, is that MySQL is effectively no longer providing builds (binaries) of their community releases, and they don’t provide enterprise builds at all to the public. They are providing source releases of community, but fairly infrequently.

This is a big problem, because it means that there is no realistic way for the average developer or MySQL user to get regular builds (and ones that quickly address bugs) without …

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My talk went well, on "A Storage Engine for Amazon S3"

My talk was right after the PBXT storage engine talk. PBXT is darncool, it looks to be a leading contender for fast localstore nearly transactional data with lots of blobs and varchars. I was taking lots of notes, especially his "gotchas for storage engine developers" and his "streaming blobs" ideas.

Then a whole bunch of people came in for my talk, almost filling the room. There were a few startup problems with the projector and the mike, and we were off.

Unfortunately, I was scheduled opposite a talk on "Highly Available MySQL Cluster on Amazon EC2", which was annoying because I wanted to go to their talk, they wanted to come to mine, and there were likely a lot of people who wanted to go to both.

It …

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MySQL Conference 2007 2.1

Starting out bright and early again. I have a feeling Martin and Yannick might gang up on me for waking them up so early every morning and making sure we are on our way at 7am sharp, but it’s worth it. We did make it here for the keynotes. The first session was Freedom Businesses [...]

A Storage Engine for Amazon S3

A Storage Engine for Amazon S3, Mark Atwood

It looks mighty interesting, as transfers to Amazon S3 are free. I think it’ll work well in America and places where bandwidth rocks, but I don’t see this working too well in Australia. Oh how I wish the Internets will improve.

Mark has got all his stuff online at A MySQL Storage Engine for AWS S3. He was also kind enough to upload most of the notes, which made my reporting easier, and don’t forget to view the presentation.

Traditional storage engines use the local disk.

Networked engines: Federated, ODBC, HTTP, MemCacheD and S3 storage engine.

What is S3?

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Zeroconf, conferences and privacy

So, probably like lots of people - i run a few web apps locally that I use for various purposes. In my case, this also includes some cool custom developed things.

I also use Zeroconf to easily discover all this foo around a network.

I run my critical mysql install by hand - it’s not constantly up. This is so, as somebody noticed (during Eben’s keynote at the MySQL Conference where he talked a lot about privacy) that one of the apps i run is entitled “tax”.

Since I’m somewhere other than at home, my mysql instance was stopped (much harder for people to grab the data out of it if the process isn’t running to begin with).

So yeah… good points - check what random people out on the network may have access to on your laptop - and know what you should not run as default (I’m careful there).

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