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solidDB comes in many

solidDB has been available as a MySQL storage engine for about four months now (check here: It is one of few transactional engines available. You can see it running at the conference. You can try yourself. That is not, however, the end of the story.

People who have heard about Solid know that Solid has other goodies, too, in addition to just plain old database (PODB :-). Solid has been selling for more than 10 years to demanding markets of network equipment providers and other embedded systems. In the process, a few unique incarnations were born. One is a fully transactional in-memory database that may be transparently blended with the disk-based database. Another is a load-balancing two-node hot-standby configuration with sub-second failovers.

These goodies are not offered yet to the MySQL community. They will come ... in time.

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The problem with cheap

I find Wal-Mart fascinating. Wal-Mart is a near perfect example of Clayton Christensen's "Innovator's Dilemma," in many ways. The very things that have made it spectacularly successful are also causing its stuttered growth, as BusinessWeek captures in this illuminating article.

...[Wal-Mart's] fundamental business problem is that selling for less no longer confers the overwhelming business advantage it once did. Low prices still define the chain's appeal to its best customers, the 45 million mostly low-income Americans who shop its stores frequently and broadly. But the collective purchasing power of the "loyalists," as Wal-Mart calls them, has shriveled in recent years as hourly wages have stagnated and the cost of housing and energy have soared.Even if this pool of low-income "loyalists" were flush with cash, Wal-Mart still has to …

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OurSQL Episode 14: The MySQL Conference & Expo

mysqlconf mysqlconf07

In this episode, we take a walk through the Expo part of the MySQL Conference and Expo. We spoke with 3 companies about their solutions for backup and reporting.

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Slides for the MySQL User's Conference

All of my slides:

Understand the plugin API
Scaling Web Applications
Storage Engine Tutorial
5.1 In Depth

Smartest man in the room…

I sometimes wonder what it might be like to be the smartest man in the room.

I’ve met lots of people that think they are the smartest man in the room, the worst are the ones that always try to convince everyone else.

Today I heard Eben Moglen give his presentation titled Freedom Businesses Protect Privacy to almost 1500 attendees at the mySQL Conference. He was brilliant, convincing, mesmerizing and frightening all at once. I’m already paranoid about my click stream, but after hearing him, it got me thinking about how I can protect my privacy even further.

I wish I had the podcast to quote him, but that will have to wait until it comes on line. For now lets just say that as far as the issues of privacy, freedom and technology’s ability to impact them for both good and evil, he’s was the smartest man in the room.

By …

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It Finally Happened

Back when I first heard that the MySQL source code was being split into Enterprise and Community editions and that the Community edition binaries would be release only every few versions, I knew that there would soon be a project to provide binaries to the community of both editions by a third party.

It didn’t take too long. Here at the conference Solid and Proven Scaling introduced Dorsal Source, a site providing binaries of all community and enterprise releases of MySQL.

The builds are of course unofficial but certainly welcome by those needing a new version that is not being released in binary form by MySQL.

MySQL Sandalcamp Presentation

Unfortunately, I had to skip out on my presentation at this year’s MySQL Conference.

Thankfully, my friend Mike Hillyer was able to pinch hit for me. I had planned to do a podcast of the session, but - as he is totally awesome - Mike even recorded the session.

MySQL-DB2 Ties Tied
Roland Bouman on BI4DBA

Real time. Roland has built a cool Pentaho application that collects data from MySQL performance tables and metadata views and shows reports on this performance, errors, etc. Cool stuff for DBAs.

Picture, total crap from the mobile

MySQL Conf: The Declarative Power of Views

If, like me, your eyes were opened to the power of SQL by Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties, or even if they weren't, Beat Vontobel is a great speaker to hear. I use SQL every day, and I think I could use a talk like this every 6 months to remind me of the power of SQL as a declarative programming language.

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