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MySQL 2007 Conference Debriefing

The MySQL 2007 Conference is over for another year. I must say that this year was very different for me, for both planned reasons, and unexpected as well. The first point is that there are always plenty of sessions and talks, BOF's etc to learn information from some of the most experienced and talented people in the world, not just with MySQL, but databases in general. Secondly, as always, there are so many sessions that are excellent content that you have to choose between sessions and miss out sometimes.

Well, of all the sessions I had planned to see being 11 in total, I ended up seeing 3 of them! This is not because I chose different sessions, but because I chose to do 3 certification exams over 3 of the days. I planned this and had hopefully worked it out that I could do them with minimal loss of sessions. It turns out, that being MySQL partners, I had to attend some other meetings as …

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"MySQL Storage Engine Summit"

I'm sitting here at the "MySQL Storage Engine Summit".

I predict in five years it's going be turning into a regular tech conference / trade show, with tracks, sessions, keynotes, managers, marketing, salesmen, tech press, and a tradeshow floor.

But right now, it's a room stuffed full of engineers from a dozen companies.

And no NDAs. If you don't want to have something talked about, don't talk about it. — Brian Aker

Online Backup

Information about Online Backup can be found on the Online Backup homepage:

We are very interested in feedback!

MySQL Cluster Certified

Well, it seems according to the MySQL Certification team, that after completing the new MySQL Cluster certification exam on the first day of the conference, I am the third person in the world to passed this certification. The position is only based on the time I got to see the results as I had Kim from Singapore do the exam as well, which I am sure he would have had no problem passing either.

So what does this mean? Well, apart from being the first in Australia (seeing Stuart is too busy building the software to do the exams :) to receive the certification, it means that I will have a certificate to show clients that I know what I am doing in MySQL Cluster.

All up there were 7 people who did the MySQL Cluster examination and out of those I understand that only 3 passed. Does this mean it was a difficult exam? Due to an NDA I have to sign before doing the exam, I can't divulge any details of the exam itself.

MySQL Cluster Certified

Well, it seems according to the MySQL Certification team, that after completing the new MySQL Cluster certification exam on the first day of the conference, I am the third person in the world to passed this certification. The position is only based on the time I got to see the results as I had Kim from Singapore do the exam as well, which I am sure he would have had no problem passing either.

So what does this mean? Well, apart from being the first in Australia (seeing Stewart is too busy building the software to do the exams :) to receive the certification, it means that I will have a certificate to show clients that I know what I am doing in MySQL Cluster.

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MySQL Cluster Certified

Well, it seems according to the MySQL Certification team, that after completing the new MySQL Cluster certification exam on the first day of the conference, I am the third person in the world to passed this certification. The position is only based on the time I got to see the results as I had Kim from Singapore do the exam as well, which I am sure he would have had no problem passing either.

So what does this mean? Well, apart from being the first in Australia (seeing Stewart is too busy building the software to do the exams :) to receive the certification, it means that I will have a certificate to show clients that I know what I am doing in MySQL Cluster.

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Log Buffer #42: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Beth Breidenbach, having braved a week thick with posts from the MySQL Conference, has published the 42nd edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs, on Confessions of a database geek. Good one, Beth! Here’s Log Buffer #42.

Part 2: Data Warehousing Tips and Tricks

Ask and you shall receive: linked to my previous post on the Data Warehousing Tips and Tricks session ( with the comment, “I need to learn more about MERGE TABLES and INSERT ? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE“.

So here’s a bit more:

The manual pages for the MERGE storage engine:

MySQL Forums for the MERGE talbe are at:

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MySQL User Conference wrap up

So as one of the last speakers, I finally got the opportunity to hold my talk on PHP6. You can find the pdf in my slides section as always. I was actually positively surprised that the room was fairly full, considering that I had seen several people head off to the airport already. I first asked how many people are still on PHP4 and a fair number raised their arms. Anyways, for some reason I felt that I was not speaking as fluent as I can, so I am a bit disappointed with my performance as a speaker. The slides however are probably the most complete resource for people who want to mentally prepare themselves for PHP6. One note of warning though: During my talk I noted that any of the changes/features listed …

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Barcamp Presentatie: votes please

Frank asks us to vote on his Barcamp presentation. I also asked to do so on the Barcamp site

For Frank my vote is on the "Rails doesn't scale topic", (I'd say OpenID but I guess I misunderstood Pascal saying he'd do something on that yesterday)

But as I see that lots of people are looking at how to use MySQL and scale it I'd figure maybe I should do a talk on MySQL Cluster , so send in the votes !

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