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Who said penguins can?t fly?

Reading Linux failing to boot screen on the plane I remembered I saw something similar in my flight to the MySQL Users Conference. It wasn’t so critical, but my entertainment screen got an unexpected reboot and I could see the tux logo and the console for like 2 secons while booting. This was with Northwest Airlines.

So, who said Linux had problems with video?

Installing MySQL on Solaris 10 Virtual Machine: gcc and cc Compiler Option Differences

I left the last post in this series at the point of running make for the bitkeeper client. If you have been following the posts and tried to do that, you will be greeted with the following errors:

bash-3.00# make
cc -O2 -Wall -Wno-parentheses bkf.c -o bkf
cc: Warning: option -2 passed to ld
cc: illegal option -Wall
make: *** [bkf] Error 1

The first line shows the compiler options being used followed by a warning and an error. The reason we are getting this error is because cc options != gcc options. We have two solutions at hand at this point:

1. Use gcc (we installed it earlier)
2. Change the compiler options to use cc's compiler options instead of gcc.

Using gcc compiler
To use the gcc compiler instead of cc, do the following:

bash-3.00# CC=`which gcc`
bash-3.00# export CC
bash-3.00# make

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Migration of database with special characters

Michael Chu has posted a review of how to migrate MySQL database with special characters properly.

The Perils of Perl, Do we need to take away your keyboard?

I love this stuff:

... and frankly I am not going to be as eloquent as Chromatic:


The concept that a language makes you write bad code, or difficult code to maintain, is just bizarre.

Ok, if the programming language required you to only use i, l, and 1, as variables I might buy it... but for some reason, which I can clearly articulate over dinner if you are buying, I don't really see perl as the limiting reason.

Perl does not prevent you from setting up coding standards, writing good comments, or structuring the layout of ideas such that someone else can …

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MMM Release 1.0-pre3

MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager version 1.0-pre3 has been released today. Changes list is really short now:

  • Major fix in multiple clusters support - now you can use many clusters with one monitoring node (details are in mmmd_mon man page)
  • Man pages for mmmd_mon, mmmd_agent and mmm_control scripts
  • Startup scripts added/fixed for mmmd_mon and mmmd_agent
  • Installation script now requires iproute package to be installed on server.

As always, if you have any questions/suggestions, post them here or in mmm-devel mail list.

Questions and Answers in the Second Session of the Online Solutions with MySQL Webinar - On Replication

Correction on the INSERT DELAYED
In slide 20 I have mentioned that the INSERT DELAYED statement can increase performance on the slave. This is wrong, since the DELAYED keyword is ignored by the SQL thread on the slave server. The INSERT DELAYED statement can increase the overall performance of an application since the control is returned to the client as soon as the row is queued into the list of inserts to execute. The INSERT DELAYED can be used with MyISAM, MEMORY and ARCHIVE.

Q from Filip: Does master & slave have to be the same db-version, and the same Operative system?
Not necessarily, you can have different versions and operating systems

Q from Danilo: Is there a way to load a backup from the master without locking tables or shutting down the master database?
Using Innodb, you can use mysqldump to produce a consistent backup without locking …

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Why Couchsurfing should be open (update, again)

Note: I've edited this post and updated it with more information / fixed some grammatical errors.

Note 2: Sorry to the planetmysql crowd reading this. I can't seem to find a way to make it not show up.

Late last year, I started volunteering for I knew they were suffering from database problems, and I knew that I could help.

I spent a week at the collective in New Zealand, and I helped add a few indexes here and there, but I've never really involved myself as much as I would like to, past the point of diagnosing what problems need to be fixed. I proposing a few potential solutions, but it bugs me at times that I'm not more involved.

This gets me to my point; there are some things I don't like about the project. I mostly keep quiet about them, because achieves more good …

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Installing MySQL on Solaris 10 Virtual Machine: Other tools

Before we can install MySQL using bitkeeper, we need certain tools to be installed.

Download Bitkeeper Client

- Install wget-1.10.2-sol10-x86-local .
- Install gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local or libgcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local.gz
- Install libiconv-1.11-sol10-x86-local (required for gcc)
- Install openssl-0.9.8e-sol10-x86-local (required for wget)
- Install make-3.81-sol10-x86-local (required for bk-client)

After downloading the above packages, navigate to the directory and then run

gunzip *.gz

Now you can install the packages one by one.

pkgadd -d libiconv-1.11-sol10-x86-local 
# this will install SMCliconv

pkgadd -d gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local
# installs SMCgcc

pkgadd -d …
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VMWare 6 rocks

So I've been using Virtual PC 2007 since it was released but was always frustrated with its inferior Linux support.  I don't really understand why Microsoft drags their feet on this.  With more and more devs moving to vm only development, it's getting easier and easier to change your host platform and still development for Windows.  I'm sure Microsoft would much rather you run Windows as your host platform and run Linux in a vm when you need.   I've tried VMWare Server but since I run Vista x64 as my host, that's more pain than I really like.

Enter VMWare 6.  Sure it installs and runs on Vista x64 like a champ and performance seems great but what really blew me away was the multi-monitor support.  I've been using twin 19" monitors for nearly 2 years now and I simply can't imagine life without them.  Folks I kid you not.  It was easier to get Ubuntu running on two monitors using VMWare 6 than it was …

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MySQL Table Checksum 1.1.0 released

MySQL Table Checksum 1.1.0 adds many improvements, but the most important is a new way to ensure slaves have the same data as their master. Instead of checksumming the slave and the master, it can now insert the checksum results directly on the master via an INSERT.. SELECT statement. This statement will replicate to the slave, where a simple query can find tables that differ from the master. This makes a consistent, lock-free checksum trivially easy.

There are also many other feature improvements and bug fixes, compatibility with MySQL 3.23.2 through 6.0-alpha, and finally I've gotten the documentation finished to my satisfaction.

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