Showing entries 33566 to 33575 of 43769
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MySQL information_schema: Identifying rows from TABLE_CONSTRAINTS

Yesterday, I set out a little quiz about the TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table in the MySQL information_schema. The task was:

  • Specify a minimal set of columns of the information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table that is sufficient to reliably identify a single row in the information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table.
  • Argue why these columns are necessary and sufficient to identify a row, and why a smaller set of columns does not exist

Short Answer
For MySQL there are two such column sets:

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Last chances to apply for Google Summer of Code 2008
Google Summer of Code is still open until March 31st.
There are many interesting projects available in the ideas page.
Please read the guidelines and apply before it's too late!
Plenty of opportunity of contributing to your favorite database and working with great developers. Check the ideas page for a list of famous names willing to spend time with enthusiastic students.
Joining Continuent Advisory Board (updated March 3rd)

Earlier this week at OSBC in San Francisco a new advisory board was announced for Continuent, the leading provider of commercial open source middleware solutions for database high-availability and scalability. I feel priviledged to be able to be part of this group:

Tim Golden, Senior Vice-President, Bank of America. Tim has 20 years IT management experience designing and implementing major infrastructure projects, both as a consultant working for IBM® and currently as a senior vice president at Bank of America working exclusively with Linux® and open source software technologies. He was also named as one of the 15 most influential open source business people recently by eweek story here

Douglas S. Tracy, the EVP for IT (North America) and Chief Technology Officer, Global IT, Rolls-Royce. Doug has over 25 years of management experience in the private …

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DBAs are always try to determine the best way to manage their storage for InnoDB. The three main options include:Having one shared InnoDB tablespace data file.Setting up individual files per InnoDB table.Setting up a shared tablespace across multiple files.Option 1: Having one shared InnoDB tablespace data file.This is fine if you have a simple and small MySQL database. Great for new DBAs to

New VIEW tables for Monolith 1.2 Reporting

Here are some view tables that are going to be in the new release of Monolith. They work with the current release though, so maybe they will be useful for DBAs that have utilized the CLI to get data out of Monolith. The new release will feature an updated Status page that shows the data from these view tables instead of the “last 25 backups”. Edit the DEFINER user as needed.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_monolith |
| dbs |
| process_exec |
| process_status |
| pruning |
| system |
| users |
| view_daily_result_all |
| view_daily_result_code1 |
| view_daily_result_code2 |
| view_daily_result_code3 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show create table view_daily_result_all\G

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Log Buffer #90: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to the 90th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs.

First,’s SQL Master offers his walk-through of best practices for installing SQL Server 2005, with clustering as the destination.

If you read SQL Server blogs, you already know Adam Machanic. I’m very pleased to mention his first post for the Pythian Group blog, covering the basics of minimal logging and its enhancements in SQL Server 2008.

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OpenOffice 2.4 is out. Verdict? It's excellent

I've long preferred OpenOffice for my presentations. It has functionality (like the ability to enter a group of objects I've grouped and edit just one of them) that I simply can't get in Microsoft Office, and the performance is quite good. I'm therefore happy to see version 2.4 hit public release. The good just got better, as The Register reports:

The 2.4 database, Base, now supports MS-Access 2007, while capabilities for MySQL, Oracle JDBC and native HSQL databases have been improved.

PDF handling has been improved with five export options, and Writer has been rounded out with improved "find and replace", new keyboard short cuts, and the ability to set options for printing hidden or place-holder text and for following hyperlinks.


Variable's Day Out #2: key_buffer_size


Engine(s) MyISAM
Server Startup Option --key_buffer_size=<value>
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Possible Values Integer
Range: 8 - 4294967295 (4 GB)
Default Value 131072 (128 KB)
Category Performance


This is a global buffer where MySQL caches frequently used blocks of index data for MyISAM data. Maximum allowed size is 4GB on a 32 bit platform. Greater values are permitted for 64-bit platforms beyond MySQL …

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MySQL Workbench: open source data modeling

The MySQL Workbench team has released the latest Release Candidate 5.0.15 of their new DBMS modeling tool. This includes quite a few recent bug fixes and it's now rapidly approaching the GA status. The team continues on to fix all the minor nits out there so keep your feedback coming. Heck, they'll probably have a new version by the time I post this. If you've never used a database modeling tool or have been put off by the cost or complexity of these tools in the past, you should try MySQL Workbench. Mike Zinner and his team have focused on... READ MORE

MySQL Pop Quiz #21

I’m still looking for new entries. I get quite a few suggestions, but not all of them make it into quiz questions. Do send in your suggestions!

The maximum row size in a MySQL table in 64kb (65,535 bytes).

A LONGTEXT or LONGBLOB column may be up to 4,294,967,296 (4G) in size.

Explain how a LONGTEXT or LONGBLOB column fits into a MySQL table.


Showing entries 33566 to 33575 of 43769
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