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MySQL: Getting Creative with Partitioning (Performance Results)

I decided to run some very basic performance test comparing the non-partitioned table with a primary key, and a partitioned table with a primary key and a unique constraint enforced via a secondary table explained in my previous post.Overall, it appears that with partitioning, as the data/rows scale, the inserts actually get faster :) This is what I would expect theoretically, so score one for

How the MySQL Enterprise Upgrade Advisor Helps DBAs Avoid Being Bitten by Known Bugs

In an earlier article I described how MySQL Enterprise takes the guesswork out of deciding which version of the MySQL server customers should be running by providing alerts around regularly scheduled Monthly Rapid Update and Quarterly Service Pack releases of the Enterprise Server. Being of an old school "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mindset, I understand the conservative approach most DBAs take when deciding if a new release of any software is relevant to their environment. In fact, given the monthly frequency of Enterprise maintenance releases and the work involved with upgrading, I completely understand how recipients can begin to ignore Update Alerts (unless of course a known fix is on the way). Based on feedback from customers, MySQL colleagues, and my own field experience, I recognize that while notifications around the regular Enterprise Server drops is a good thing, upgrading an existing MySQL implementation is no small task and that a …

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MySQL Backup and Recovery Training from Zmanda

Worried about Backup and Recovery of your MySQL Databases? MySQL Backup school from Zmanda provides hands on and in depth training on Backup and Recovery of MySQL. Just sign up and show up with your laptop. More information available here.

Summer of Code adjustment

The Google Summer of Code deadline has been shifted one week forward. This means that students have until April 7 to submit their applications.
Submission status
We have so far received 38 proposals.
Some of them are excellent. Many are good. A few of them could be improved. If you have submitted a proposal without reading my recommendations you have now plenty of time to review your submission and adjust it for maximum quality.
Advice to students: how to get your application approved
Submitting an application is only the first step. If your proposal is weak, your chances of being chosen are limited. Now it's time to check the application and improve its contents, according to the guidelines mentioned above. …

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Optimizing Linux for random I/O on hardware RAID

There's a relatively little known feature about Linux IO scheduling that has a pretty significant effect in large scale database deployments at least with MySQL that a recent article on MySQL Performance Blog prompted me to write about. This may have an effect on other databases and random I/O systems as well, but we've definitely seen it with MySQL 5.0 on RHEL 4 platform. I have not studied this on RHEL 5, and since the IO subsystem and the Completely Fair Queue scheduler that is default on RHEL kernels has received further tuning since, I can not say if it still exists.

Though I've heard YouTube discovered these same things, …

[Read more] now offers MySQL 5.1 *and* MySQL 6.0

It has been pretty quiet about for some time, but now there are news. now offers MySQL 6.0 database accounts - in addition to the old (and I'm tempted to even say tested) MySQL 5.1 ones.

So - everybody who registers gets 2 databases, one on the MySQL 5.1 server and one on the MySQL 6.0 server, which runs at port 3307. Connections can be made using the MySQL client running the command

mysql -h -P 3307 -u [username] -p[password]

or using phpMyAdmin, right from the website.

Users who have set their accounts to allow remote connections can also use tools like the MySQL GUI Tools or …

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Speaking at OSCON 2008

I’ll be speaking at OSCON 2008 in Portland, delivering my Normalization Session. More details as I get them.

First official release of DRBD User’s Guide

After a month of intense public review by our community users and contributors, we have made the initial “official” release of the DRBD User’s Guide.

This does not only include helpful information about building, installing, and configuring DRBD, but also on DRBD integration with Xen and LVM, Heartbeat, and many other applications. MySQL users will find the example MySQL HA configurations for both Heartbeat R1 and Heartbeat CRM clusters particularly helpful.

The release announcement is here:

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MySQL Pop Quiz

When we are learning new material we’re going through the next steps.

  • Reading manual, books, trying samples from there
  • Doing something, basing on the knowledge we already have
  • Solving/answering interesting quizes/questions

But there is not much questions/quizes about MySQL, and the recent one is a popular Carsten’s MySQL Pop Quiz serie. We can get a lot off usefull information from such quizes . So, I’ve translated it to russian. I hope it could be usefull for some of us how doesn’t know english well

Rajaraman’s First Law: More Data will beat Better Software

After the interesting comment storm on Doug’s blog when he posted some of Tim Gorman’s comments on the value of data in his career experiences as compared to the value of the applications manipulating that data, I hesitate a little to post this.

But, I can’t stop myself because it’s such an interesting insight!

Anand Rajaraman, ex-Director of Technology at posted this useful insight that builds on Tim’s. It’s not data vs software as seen by Tim, it’s one step further - more data vs better software.

I like this idea so much I’m hereby dubbing …

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