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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)

The PHPTek Conference bills itself as the premier professional PHP conference with a community flair. Having been to dozens of PHP conferences, I thought that was a pretty bold claim.

MySQL Boogiebot

But as they say in Texas, it ain’t bragging if you can do it.

MySQL plush dolphins and BoogieBots. The wind up dancing robots were popular in Chicago

And the organizers picked perfect weather for this Chicago based show.

The quality of the presenters and presentations was amazing high. Most of these sessions covered intricacies with the PHP language. The talks covered the range from beginning Symfony 2 to advanced security. The presenters were indeed the cream of the crop and the material covered very well developed.

Oracle’s own Ligaya …

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This little guide will describe the steps you have to take to use utf-8 in a complete web application using MySQL and PHP. The Database You have to specify the utf8 character set on all tables and text columns in your database. This will ensure that MySQL stores and retrieves the values encoded in UTF-8. [...]

MySQL is Better Than Ever for the Web

Whether you are a developer who wants to use MySQL and PHP to build and maintain websites or if you want to learn how MySQL and PHP can be used for the rapid prototyping and development of dynamic websites, the MySQL and PHP - Developing Dynamic Web Applications training course is for you.

This four day, live, instructor-led course is available as a:

  • Live-virtual event: You can take this course from your desk - no travel required. Choose from a selection of events already on the schedule.
  • In-class event: Travel to an education center to take this course. Below is a selection of of the events already on the schedule.


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Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On OpenSUSE 12.3 (LAMP)

Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On OpenSUSE 12.3 (LAMP)

LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on an OpenSUSE 12.3 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.

Learn to Develop Your New Applications on the MySQL Database

Get the most out of your MySQL environment by learning to develop your new applications cost-effectively using MySQL with different languages such as Java and PHP.

The MySQL for Developers course is a 5 day, live, instructor-led course where you learn to:

  • Use MySQL tools to connect to databases.
  • Examine database structure and contents.
  • Generate database structure diagrams.
  • Execute complex queries and stored routines.
  • Manipulate numeric, text, spatial and temporal data.
  • Execute complex subqueries and joins.

You can take this course as a:

  • Live-Virtual Event: Take this course from your own desk - no travel required. Choose from one of the many events already on the schedule to suit different timezones. Delivery is …
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Making use of PHP mysqlnd statistics

One of the great things of mysqlnd as a base library for PHP's MySQL support are the collected statistics. mysqlnd collects about 160 different statistical values about all the things going on. When having such an amount of raw data it, obviously, is quite hard to draw conclusions out of it. Therefore I recently created a PHP library sitting on top of this feature to collect all data, run some analysis and then provide some guidance and made it available from the JSMysqlndAnalytics GitHub repo (see there also for instructions for using Composer).

Using the library is relatively simple as the short instructions show. The library consists of two main parts. On the one side the "Collector"  this is a wrapper around …

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How To Run Your Own Web SMS Portal With PointSMS

How To Run Your Own Web SMS Portal With PointSMS

This tutorial will show you how you can set up an SMS web site on CentOS using PointSMS.

PHP Summit presentation: NoSQL in MySQL

Live from the PHP Summit conference in Munich: NoSQL in MySQL. A couple of hours ago I gave a talk about NoSQL in MySQL, contents: what is NoSQL, what is HandlerSocket, what is the InnoDB Memcached Plugin InnoDB and how to use with PHP, is this NoSQL? Slides are below.

NoSQL in MySQL from Ulf Wendel

(PDF download)

The talk was called a night session. Night session means, its the last talk for the day. After eight hours packed with workshops everybody is a bit tired and exhausted. What else could I do but tell them a bed story. What else …

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Learn to Develop Dynamic Web Applications with MySQL and PHP Training

Take the MySQL and PHP - Developing Dynamic Web Applications course to learn to develop applications in PHP and how to use MySQL for those applications. This 4-day class helps you improve your PHP skills and combine them with time-proven database management techniques to create best-of-breed web applications that are efficient, solid and secure.

You can take this live instructor-led course as a:

  • Live-virtual event: Take this class from your own desk, choosing from many events on the schedule to suit different time-zones.
  • In-class: Travel to an education center. Some events already on the schedule include:


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Accessing Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes in parallel from PHP using MySQL asynchronous queries

Accessing Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes in parallel with MySQL asynchronous calls

This post is followup to Peter’s recent post, “Investigating MySQL Replication Latency in Percona XtraDB Cluster,” in which a question was raised as to whether we can measure latency to all nodes at the same time. It is an interesting question: If we have N nodes, can we send queries to nodes to be executed in parallel?

To answer it, I decided to try a new asynchronous call to send a query to MySQL using a new MySQLnd driver for PHP. In this post I’ll only show how to make these calls, and in following posts how to measure latency to all nodes.

PHP does not provide …

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