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Displaying posts with tag: Planet OpenStack (reset)
Upgrading from Galera Cluster to Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE)

We recently covered Upgrading your Galera Cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. We’ve also had questions on how the upgrade path from our usual Galera Cluster “community” edition to the Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE), which includes many new features, like XA transaction support, arm64 support or GCache encryption.

First off, let’s start by installing a Galera Cluster on CentOS 7. The reason we have picked this distribution? Let’s edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/galera.repo and add:

name = Galera
baseurl =
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1

name = MySQL-wsrep
baseurl =
gpgkey = …
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Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.30 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 8.0.30 (release notes, download) with Galera replication library 4.13 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version 26. This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 8.0.30, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

For the Galera replication library 4.13, we now complete the I/O for the client handshake before starting an asynchronous read to fix …

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Upgrading your Galera Cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

Recently we had a question on getting your Galera Cluster upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. While we have plenty of extensive documentation on Upgrading Galera Cluster, this blog covers the Linux example for a rolling major upgrade (the procedure is documented, but this is more extensive). So we will describe going from MySQL 5.7.23 to MySQL 8.0.28 on one node. We did this on CentOS 7.

Firstly, let’s start by disabling SELinux by executing setenforce 0.

We need to install the appropriate MySQL 5.7 binaries, so we can grab them from Since we have decided on MySQL 5.7.23, we should get the packages from …

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Seamless failover with Galera Load Balancer

Continuing on from Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB), wouldn’t it be nice to ensure that Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handles failover, seamlessly?

        Address       :   weight   usage    map  conns  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.500    N/A      1  :    1.000   0.000    N/A      0
Destinations: 3, total connections: 2 of 493 max

Pool: connections per thread:     1     1     0     0     0     0

Here is an example of a Galera Load Balancer (GLB) handling 3 backend MySQL servers, and it currently has 2 connections, evenly distributed between 2 hosts.

We can verify this by doing: select @@hostname; which shows:

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.39 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.38 (release notes, download). This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 5.7.39, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

We have backported the InnoDB wsrep applier lock wait timeout from 8.0 which introduces the variable innodb-wsrep-applier-lock-wait-timeout to improve the reliability in resolving …

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Setting up Galera Load Balancer (GLB)

Galera Load Balancer (GLB) is a scalable and performant, yet easy to use TCP/IP connection balancing proxy. It is the oldest, yet actively maintained load balancer in the MySQL ecosystem, with a wide array of customers using it in production.

Firstly, please request for binaries via contacting Once you have access to the package repository, you’ll have access to RPMs. Installing the RPMs are straightforward, and you can also add it to your Yum repository. This blog presumes you already have access to the binaries.

You can start it up, really simply:

glbd --threads 6 …
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Galera Manager Installation Best Practices

A few things we have noticed recently when it comes to Galera Manager support requests, that we feel we should address in this blog post.

First and foremost, it is a requirement that you install Galera Manager on a clean host. This means you install the base operating system and nothing else: no Nginx, no Apache, no InfluxDB, etc. The Galera Manager installer (gm-installer) will pull all the requisite packages, set SELinux to permissive during the install, etc. The next release of the gm-installer aims to be less fragile when it comes to this, and will aggressively handle installs on machines that already have software installed on it.

The other common issue is the inability to access ports, generally blocked by a firewall (gm-installer should have fixed this as long as setup is going properly), or some other reason. What gm-installer cannot fix …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.38 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.38 (release notes, download). This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 5.7.38, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

In MySQL 5.7.38, we now distinguish between unset ssl_mode and ssl_mode explicitly set to “DISABLED”, because previously ssl_mode=DISABLED was ignored in the xtrabackup-v2 script.

This is a rare release where you are also meant to continue using the Galera replication library 3.37 implementing the wsrep API version 25, from the previous release, as there was no changes made to the Galera replication …

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Galera Manager updated to handle DigitalOcean updated API tokens

A few weeks ago, we did a Galera Cluster webinar on Managed Galera Clusters on DigitalOcean.

Some of you may notice that the current version of Galera Manager is 1.6.4, and one of the major fixes we have in there is to support the new API token format of DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean has documented this here: Updated API Tokens new management features: in partnership with GitHub –Secret Scanning, Prefixes, and more! and as a consequence we needed to update to accept new API tokens, or it would fail in deployment. If you’re wondering how to create a …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.28 and 5.7.37 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.37 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.28 (release notes, download) with Galera replication library 3.37 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API …

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Showing entries 31 to 40 of 92
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