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Displaying posts with tag: my.cnf (reset)
Why isn't MySQL using the my.cnf settings I've specified?

You are just getting started with MySQL on OpenSolaris. You've installed the OpenSolaris Community Edition and CoolStack MySQL. To explore this new environment you decide to run some tests using the sysbench benchmark. After running a number of tests you realize that for some reason the options you are setting in /etc/my.cnf are not getting used.

What is going on? Not to worry, you've just hit a problem common to new users of MySQL on OpenSolaris.

Run this command:

 # /opt/coolstack/mysql/bin/mysqladmin | more

page down until you see:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/coolstack/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

This shows …

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Why isn't MySQL using the my.cnf settings I've specified?

You are just getting started with MySQL on OpenSolaris. You've installed the OpenSolaris Community Edition and CoolStack MySQL. To explore this new environment you decide to run some tests using the sysbench benchmark. After running a number of tests you realize that for some reason the options you are setting in /etc/my.cnf are not getting used.

What is going on? Not to worry, you've just hit a problem common to new users of MySQL on OpenSolaris.

Run this command:

 # /opt/coolstack/mysql/bin/mysqladmin | more

page down until you see:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/coolstack/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

This shows …

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An Interesting Replication Tip

We recently moved some databases to different servers, and I altered our mySQL slave configuration files to take into account some of the databases we wanted to replicate (Replicate-do-db) and others that we wanted to ignore (Replicate-ignore-db) -- each of these server cases were mutually exclusive.All went well, until I found a peculiar error:Error 'Table 'db101.table101' doesn't exist' on

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