I am doing a reporting proof-of-concept (POC) for my company. Business intelligence (BI) is often the last thing that gets thought of during an application’s life cycle because it’s only really necessary after you get customers. Before that, the main focus is on application features. Soon after launch, your coworkers and your customers start asking questions about usage and adoption, and customers start to ask for summary information on their data as well as just dumping their data. If you’re the only guy in charge of the database, this is often overwhelming.
Thankfully, we now have many options for what’s called self-service BI. The developer or DBA sets up the basic data models (say Orders) in an automated tool like SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and then allows an information worker to select the columns, perform joins, and add filters to create reports. This basically cuts down miscommunication that can often happen between …
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