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Displaying posts with tag: Misc (reset)
How does MySQL hide the command line password in ps?

I saw this question asked today, and thought I’d write a quick post about it.
Giving passwords on the command line isn’t necessarily a fantastic idea – but you can sort of see where they’re coming from. Configuration files and environment variables are better, but just slightly. Security is a night mare!

But if you do decide to write an application which takes a password (or any other sensitive information) on the command line, you can prevent other users on the system from easily seeing it like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int i = 0;
pid_t mypid = getpid();
if (argc == 1)
return 1;
printf("argc = %d and arguments are:\n", argc);
for (i ; i < argc ; i++)
printf("%d = %s\n" ,i, argv[i]);

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Fake O'Reilly Covers

Here are some of the fake O'Reilly book covers I mentioned in a prior post.  These have been optimized for use as black & white Kindle screensaver wallpaper images.  If you haven't done so already, you can install a Kindle screensaver hack with a couple of downloads. 

Update: I've embedded a slideshow from PicasaWeb, but it requires Flash.  If you don't see it you can click on the links below to go directly to PicasaWeb.

  • Kindle hacks:  …
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Help Bring Zork and the FyrevM to Android, Kindle et al

David Cornelson of TextFyre has embarked on an ambitious plan to create a new open source virtual machine, FyreVM.  This new VM will run Interactive Fiction games (e.g. Zork and newer works written in Inform) on a dozen different mobile platforms such as Android, WinPhone 7, Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry.  The goal of FireVM is to take advantage of specific user interface capabilities on each platform, whether it's the touch screen of Android tablets or the 5 way button on the Kindle.

To help with this project, TextFyre has started  a fundraising effort on Kickstarter with a goal of …

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iPhone 4: First Impressions

I managed to get an "early upgrade" of my iPhone 3GS to the iPhone 4 despite AT&T's best efforts.  I've had a couple of days using the new iOS 4 operating system on my 3GS and a couple of hours with the iPhone 4.  So here are a few highlights of the initial hands-on experience with more updates on the weekend.

Updated with additional information, video & photos.

Low-res video (VGA resolution):

Here's a gallery of additional photos from the iPhone 4:
(Double click to see larger versions.)

Upgrade Process

Other than AT&T's longstanding inability to deal with demand, the upgrade process is pretty simple.   I chased the UPS driver home to get my iPhone today and just plugged into the USB cable to restore my last iPhone 3GS backup.  That took about 20 minutes. …

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Dennis On the Road to Recovery

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Dennis Wolf, former MySQL CFO, has been undergoing Plasmapheresis treatment in the last week and despite a mild setback due to an infection, he will be checking out of the hospital today to continue rehab as an outpatient.  Dennis reports that he has increased mobility in his leg and that the test for Devic's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis has come back negative.  So there's a bit of a mystery as to what has caused this NMO flareup, but …

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Dennis Wolf Undergoing Treatment for Devic's Disease


Dennis Wolf, former CFO of MySQL, is in the hospital undergoing treatment for neuromyelitis optica (NMO) also known as Devic's Disease.  This is a spinal cord inflammation with similarities to Multiple Sclerosis.  Dennis is a very special guy to get such a rare disease. He's also a tough son-of-a-gun, so I have no doubt that he will put this behind him with a full recovery just as he did 18 years ago.  But it will take some time, attention and help from many people. 

He has started  …

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Help saving MySQL!

I request every visitor of this blog to read below article & support Monty

Whatever Happened to "Do No Evil?"


A buddy of mine, Doug Marks, recently opened my eyes to some sites that are putting out misleading product reviews fueled by Google Ad Words.  I wrote about this on my InfoWorld blog with a story entitled "FTC and Google need to crack down on scam review sites" which provides a counterpoint to the concerns on the US FTC's blogger disclosure rules that become effective …

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Eraser ...

I let a couple of these pass by but just thought I'd mention it (just in case any other ex-MySQLer is experiencing anything similar...Why does the MySQL bugs system remove former employees from the historical record?Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:26:35 +0200From: Bug Database Subject: #29838 [Csd]: myisam corruption using concurrent select ... and updateIn-reply-to: X-Originating-IP: []To

At Least He Never Walked

InfoWorld has declined to post my review of "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" because it is unrelated to open source.  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Having run a ten marathons, countless half-marathons and a few 100+ mile cycling days, I am sometimes asked what the appeal is of long distance running or cycling.  Despite he fact that I have been running for more than 30 years, it's not easy to explain.  Mostly I think you either get it, or you don't and no attempt to dissect the experience will make much sense.  But luckily, Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami has penned a short book of essays called "What I Talk …

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