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Displaying posts with tag: Studio for MySQL (reset)
dbForge Studio for MySQL vs MySQL Workbench

Every single year new products and new versions of the leading tools enter the market. Their providers compete, offering database specialists more and more features. Thus, users have a whole bunch of possibilities to achieve their goals with the best-fit solutions. The only challenge remaining is which tool to use.  MySQL Workbench is one of […]

How to Create a Many-to-Many Relationship

Establishing a many-to-many relationship between the tables in a database is usually done for ensuring efficient data processing and data integrity, as well as for database normalization and data analysis tasks. Since relational databases don’t allow implementing a direct many-to-many relationship between two tables, handling that kind of relationship can be an intimidating task. In […]

How to kill certain connections to a MySQL database

Maintenance of databases or servers is quite often performed by database administrators at night. But these routines sometimes get blocked by long-running queries or applications that hang onto locks much longer than expected. Regularly, priority is given to the application and maintenance routines are often canceled in order not to interfere with the application. But […]

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dbForge Studio for MySQL is a DBTA 2019 Finalist

DBTA (Database Trends and Applications) is a magazine delivering news and analysis on data science, big data, information management, and analytics. Every year, they conduct surveys among readers about various database-related software solutions to choose the best offers in a variety of categories such as ‘Best BI Solution’, ‘Best Cloud Database’, ‘Best Data Analytics Solution’, […]

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Backing Up All MySQL Server Databases or Only the Required Ones

When having only several databases to manage, regular backup operations can be done quite easily and seamlessly either with the help of a few simple scripts or by configuring an SQL Server agent that will perform the backup automatically. But sometimes the situation is more complicated. When, for instance, there are hundreds of databases, backing […]

How to work with dbForge Studio for MySQL on MacOS by using Parallels Desktop

Many database professionals use Mac for their daily work. Devart is going to develop its software products for Mac platform in future. But for now, our users owing macOS devices can face some issues with procuring high-quality and comfortable work. One of the best solutions to resolve such issues is a software called Parallels Desktop. This is […]

Connectivity to MariaDB Keeps Extending in dbForge Studio for MySQL

We are thrilled to inform our MySQL users that fresh and new dbForge Studio for MySQL, v8.1 has been just rolled out! To ensure that the users of dbForge Studio for MySQL can work with the most up-to-date database engines, we keep expanding connectivity options for our MySQL management tool. In this version, we have […]

Importing Data by Mask

Introduction In this article, we will show how to perform routine data export from multiple files by a certain mask with help of the Data Import functionality of dbForge Studio for MySQL and how to schedule the recurring execution of the import with Microsoft Task Scheduler. Scenario Suppose, we need to simultaneously import multiple daily […]

Eight Supported by Eighth!

We would like to take this moment to thank the Oracle company for continuous development of the popular MySQL database! As you all might know, Oracle has recently released  MySQL Server, v8.0. In its turn, Devart decided to get a move on and release the new dbForge Studio for MySQL, 8.0! Support for MySQL Server […]

No one has ever imagined dbForge would do it to Google Sheets!

”Wow!’, ”Cool!’, “Fantastic!”, “A revelation!” – this was the first reaction of our colleagues when we presented fresh dbForge Studio for MySQL, v7.4 to them. Indeed, our team has done a huge work in to meet our customers’ needs and expectations. In a bid to fulfill this objective, we have enhanced our renowned MySQL GUI […]

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