I am considering taking some time off work to concentrate deeply
on MySQL Table Sync, which has been getting usage in
very large companies whose names we all know. There are a lot of
bugs and feature requests outstanding for it. It is overly
complex, needs a lot of work, and I can't do it in one-hour or
even three-hour chunks. I need to focus on it. I'm considering
asking for a bounty of $2500 USD for this. Please let me know
what you think of this; it seems to be a successful way to
sponsor development on some other projects, like Vim.
For the amount of time I think this will take, $2500 is far below
my per-hour consulting rate; I considered setting the bounty
higher, but I think this will be a fair amount.
I would not begin this project before December at the earliest,
so there's some time to raise funds and time for me to continue
working on High Performance …
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