Many Sphinx users utilize MySQL as a data source. Divendo is one of them. This blog post will relay the story of how Divendo got going with Sphinx after MySQL fulltext search became unwieldy. Enjoy! Divendo Divendo is a meta-search engine for classified ads serving the following continents and countries: Europe: Spain, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom Americas: Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela Asia: India Australia [...]
This blog post features a quick and interesting story from James (from ActionMessage), an early adopter of Sphinx. We met him at Percona Live: the MySQL User Conference, a few years back. This year, we asked if he would like to share his story with our community. Here it is. Enjoy! “I’m James Briggs from ActionMessage [...]
MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database. Sphinx allows MySQL users to search text (and more) at scale, without choking-out their favorite database. It’s a match made in the big data heavens. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that this year, like many years before, we’ll be heading to the Percona Live MySQL [...]
In this blog post, we’ll talk about how Jobma improved search for their users by switching from MySQL fulltext search to Sphinx. Enjoy! What is Jobma? Jobma is a new job portal based solely on Video Resumes, which permits job seekers to quickly and directly reach potential employers. The hiring process is easier with the help [...]
In this blog post (which was inspired by Adrian Nuta’s recent talk about Sphinx at FOSDEM), we go through some more of the differences between MySQL fulltext search and Sphinx. People frequently ask us questions along these lines, so we decided another blog post on the subject would be worthwhile. Check it out! Introduction This [...]
Next Wednesday (November 20th, at 10 am PST), Ryan Lowe (Percona: Principle Consultant) and Andrew Aksyonoff (Sphinx: CEO and CTO) will be delivering a webinar on how to configure Sphinx for MySQL. “How to Optimally Configure Sphinx for MySQL” The discussion will center around getting started with, and seamlessly integrating, Sphinx into your MySQL-based applications. [...]
MySQL fulltext search (FTS) is old and well known. It has a simple setup and requires only small changes for querying. For many people it’s more than enough to provide fulltext search. So, here’s the question: why add a new variable – Sphinx – into the system when the database already has the basic functionality? [...]
The Percona Live: MySQL User Conference is just around the corner! Before we begin our trek to San Jose, we want to provide you with one last announcement about our upcoming activities. First of all, as we’ve previously mentioned, Andrew Aksyonoff (Sphinx’s founder) is going to be delivering a Sphinx tutorial on the 22nd of April [...]
Until 2.1.1-beta the functions exposed in custom rankers for handling relevancy based on term frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) did not take field or document lengths into account. In 2.1.1-beta, Sphinx includes functions that take relevance ranking to the next level. New IDF functions mysql> SELECT * FROM myindex WHERE MATCH(‘less_common more_common’) OPTION RANKER= [...]
It’s that time of year again. The annual migration of MySQL users will soon begin! In a little more than one month’s time, much of the MySQL ecosystem will be gathered at the Percona Live: MySQL User Conference and, as usual, you can expect an appearance from the Sphinx Team. Stop by booth 302 to meet [...]