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Displaying posts with tag: mysql high availability (reset)
Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.44 and MySQL 8.0.35 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.44 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.35 (release notes, download), with Galera replication library 4.17 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version …

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Webinar: Upgrade Ihres MySQL 5.7 Galera Clusters auf MySQL 8.0 ohne Ausfallzeiten

Sie haben sicher schon davon gehört, dass MySQL 5.7 im Oktober 2023 das End of Life (EOL) erreicht hat. In diesem Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen, dass die Migration von MySQL 5.7 Galera Cluster nicht schwierig ist. MySQL 8.0 ist seit 5 Jahren allgemein verfügbar, und das Galera Cluster für MySQL 8.0 hat sich seit über 3 Jahren im Markt bewährt. Es ist also wirklich an der Zeit, sich auf die Migration vorzubereiten.

Im ersten Webinar dieser Reihe werden wir uns mit den neuen Funktionen von Galera Cluster mit MySQL 8 befassen:

* Die neuen Funktionen von Galera Cluster für MySQL 8, von denen Sie profitieren können, einschliesslich der in der Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE) verfügbaren Funktionen
* Wie man eine Migration von MySQL 5.7 auf MySQL 8.0 plant
* Dinge, die vor der Migration getestet werden sollten
* Häufige Fallstricke bei einer solchen Migration
* Wie Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihr Galera …

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Recovering nodes in a Galera Cluster

In our lab environment, we received some emails from our provider, DigitalOcean saying a few nodes would be going down, because of issues with the physical nodes. Since we run a 9-node Galera Cluster in the lab, across 3 regions (San Francisco, London and Singapore), this posed an interesting problem!

Upon connecting to one of the nodes, we see:

mysql> show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';
| Variable_name      | Value |
| wsrep_cluster_size | 7     |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

So we know that 2 of the nodes are down. Presuming you do not have any monitoring setup (might we recommend …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.43 and MySQL 8.0.34 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.43 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.34 (release notes, download), with Galera replication library 4.16 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version …

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Galera Cluster 5.7 (or older) to MySQL 8.0 migration training

Course Dates

Public course: EMEA timezone 26th of September. USA timezone 27th of September.

Company dedicated training or consulting session, request for dates for your company via email to:

Course Duration

1 day.  The breakdown is 3 hours, with a half hour lunch break, and another 3 hours per day. There will be bio-breaks. The total contact time with the trainer is 6 hours over a span of 1 day.


  • You need to be able to use Zoom the platform we will be using
  • You will need to have access to an SSH client. Being in a Microsoft Windows environment is OK, but you need to have SSH to access the remote servers that we provide you access to.
  • Some basic understanding of Linux (e.g. package management) as well as MySQL
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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.42 and MySQL 8.0.33 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.42 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.33 (release notes, download), with Galera replication library 4.15 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version …

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Webinar: Upgrade your MySQL 5.7 and older Galera Clusters to MySQL 8.0 with no downtime

We are sure you’ve probably already heard that MySQL 5.7 is going to reach End of Life (EOL) by October 2023. We are here to tell you that the migration from MySQL 5.7 need not be scary — MySQL 8.0 has been Generally Available for five years, and the Galera Cluster product for it, has been hardened for over three years, so it is truly time to get ready to migrate.

In our first session of the series, we are going to cover:
* the new features of Galera Cluster with MySQL 8 that you might benefit from, including what is available in Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE)
* how to plan a migration from MySQL 5.7 or older to 8.0
* things to test for, before migrating
* common pitfalls of said migration
* how to ensure your Galera Cluster keeps humming along with no downtime

We also offer migration support to help you before and during your migration, after-which our regular support plan will cover …

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Get upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

An inordinate amount of our Galera Cluster customer base is still using the MySQL 5.7 variant of Galera Cluster. Besides not being able to have access to all the new features of the Galera 4 library, MySQL 5.7 is rapidly reaching End of Life (EOL) status in October 2023. This is less than six months away, and it is also why we would like to focus on getting our users upgraded to MySQL 8.0 with Galera Cluster.

Firstly, MySQL 8 has been Generally Available (GA) since 19 April 2018. That is a whole five years, and you must by now, already know that there is a new release model, where there are new features included in minor releases. The release notes are a must read. Next, Codership released Galera Cluster 4 with MySQL 8 with MySQL 8.0.19, on …

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Using GCache encryption in Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE)

MySQL has InnoDB data encryption, and Galera Cluster has supported it since it appeared in the main server. The one thing that was not covered was the encryption of the Galera Cache (the galera.cache file).

Here is a simple extract from the binlog.000001 files.

strings binlog.* |grep Custom |wc -l
strings galera.cache |grep Custom |wc -l
strings galera.cache|tail -10

You need to edit your /etc/my.cnf to include:

Note that in this example we are using the keyring_file plugin, which stores keyring data in a file on the local server host. This is not intended for regulatory compliance. You need to use a key management server that protects encryption keys in key vaults or hardware …

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Adding a node to your existing Galera Cluster

A common question we get is: can I add a node to my Galera Cluster without restarting the entire cluster? The simple answer is YES.

A lot worry about the fact that you do list servers that are part of the cluster within your my.cnf, and this file is not reloadable in a dynamic fashion. Fret not, though, because as long as your my.cnf has one active cluster member (the DONOR), you can have it be the JOINER.

If for example, you have 3 nodes: galera1: galera2: galera3:

The my.cnf line for wsrep_address should read as follows:


It is then trivial for you to have your fourth server (say, galera4:, have a my.cnf that reads as follows:


Now, …

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