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Displaying posts with tag: .NET (reset)
MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6 has been released

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6. This is a maintenance release for 1.2.x. It can be used for production environments.

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product that includes all of the Visual Studio integration functionality to create and manage MySQL databases when developing .NET applications.

MySQL for Visual Studio is installed using the MySQL Installer for Windows which comes in 2 versions:

  • Full (150 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products with their binaries included in the downloaded bundle.
  • Web (1.5 MB – a network install) which will just pull MySQL for Visual Studio over the web and install it when run.

You can download MySQL Installer from our …

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MySQL .NET Entity Framework Code-First Migration

I was recently downloading and trying to run a MySQL docker image  which worked just fine on top of a Hyper-V based Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Don’t worry, this is still Entity Framework Code-First migration article with Visual Studio 2015 and MySQL 5.6.27 (latest as of today). I setup a Docker MySQL Image on my Ubuntu based Docker host. I was thinking what could be a best way to test this instance out with .NET than testing it with our good friend Entity Framework Code-First migration. This is really going to hit the MySQL instance hard by creating DB on its own and creating all the Model Tables on its own with little or no involvement of MYSQL DDL /DMLs. Prerequisites : – To start using Entity Framework 6 and Visual Studio 2015 is necessary to install

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MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.4 has been released

MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.4 has been released

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.4. This is a maintenance release for 1.2.x, and it can be used for production environments.

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product that includes all of the Visual Studio integration functionality to create and manage MySQL databases when developing .NET applications.

This version is appropriate for using with MySQL server versions 5.5-5.6. The 5.7 server version is also compatible but is not fully supported, thus it should be used at your own discretion.

As this is a GA version of the MySQL for Visual Studio product, it can be downloaded by using the product standalone installer at this link or with the …

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MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.2 RC has been released

Dear MySQL users,
MySQL for Visual Studio is a product including all of the Visual Studio integration. The 1.2.2 version is a release candidate release of this product which is feature complete but still can contain minor bugs and is not suitable for production environments.
This version is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.5-5.6.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.1 beta has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.1, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released. This is a beta release for 6.8.x and it's not recommended for production environments.

It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

The 6.8.1 version of MySQL Connector/Net has support for Entity Framework 6.0

The release is available to download at  …

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MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.0 alpha has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.0, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released. This is an alpha release for 6.8.x and it's not recommended for production environments.
It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

The 6.8.0 version of MySQL Connector/Net has support for Entity Framework 6.0.

The release is available to download at

MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.7 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.7, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is a maintenance release for 6.5.x.
This release is feature complete. It is recommended for use in production environments.
It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

Enjoy and thanks for the support!Enjoy and thanks for the support!

Connector/NET Team

Forums available for your questions

We have forums available to help you answer your questions when dealing with our Windows products.  You can post questions, answer other user's questions, and find solutions to your own problems there.   You can find these forums along with many other resources in our Development Zione found at  The forums are located at

 Here are the forum links for our products:

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MySql Connector/NET 6.7.4 GA has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.4, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the GA, is feature complete. It is recommended for production environments.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.7.

New features include WinRT Connector, Load Balancing support, Entity Framework 5 and Memcached. 

MySql Connector/NET 6.7.3 Beta 2 has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.3, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the second beta release intended to introduce users to the new features in the release. This release is feature complete, it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work. As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment. It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.7.

Showing entries 11 to 20 of 110
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