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Displaying posts with tag: srid (reset)
MySQL 8.0 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - How to get the distance between two cities

MySQL before version 5.7 had less than stellar Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support.  In version 5.7 the Boost.Geometry two dimensional or 2D libraries were added.  And with 8.0 came the three dimensional or 3D libraries. But how do you use these features?

I would like to state up front that this is all new to me and this is an attempt for me to document what it takes to go from zero knowledge on GIS to something hopefully better.  What I want to do as an exercise is to get the distance between two places from their longitude and latitude, say two cities near where I live.  So what do we have to do to accomplish that?

It is actually easy with the functions provided if we have the longitude and latitude in an SRID 4326 format.

SELECT ST_Distance(
 (SELECT loc FROM cities WHERE name = 'Trondheim'),
 (SELECT loc FROM cities WHERE …

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Upgrading to MySQL 8.0 with Spatial Data

The big change from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 when it comes to spatial data, is the support for multiple spatial reference systems and geographic computations. This means that the SRIDs of geometries actually have meaning and affect computations. In 5.7 and earlier, however, the SRIDs are ignored, and all computations are Cartesian.…

Detecting Incompatible Use of Spatial Functions before Upgrading to MySQL 8.0

There are many changes to spatial functions in MySQL 8.0:

The first two are failing cases.…

Creating Your Own Spatial Reference Systems in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0.11 comes with a catalog of 5108 spatial reference systems (SRSs). 4628 projections (flat maps), 479 geographic (ellipsoidal) representations of Earth, and one Cartesian all-purpose abstract plane (SRID 0). And if for some reason that isn’t enough, we can create our own.…

Upgrading Spatial Indexes to MySQL 8.0

MySQL has had spatial indexes for many years, but they have all been Cartesian (X and Y coordinates) indexes. MySQL 8.0 adds support for geographic (latitude-longitude) indexes. In an earlier blog post, I described how the feature works. In this post, we’ll go into the details of how to upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 if you have spatial indexes.…

Projected Spatial Reference Systems in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0.11 comes with a catalog of 5108 spatial reference system (SRS) definitions. In a previous post, we covered the definitions of geographic SRSs. In this post we’ll go into the details of projected SRSs. (If you haven’t done so already, I suggest you read the previous post first.)

Projected SRSs are flat, Cartesian coordinate systems created by projecting points on (an oblate spheroidal model of) Earth onto a flat surface.…

Geographic Spatial Reference Systems in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0.11 comes with a catalog of 5108 spatial reference system (SRS) definitions, and 479 of these are geographic. We usually just refer to them by SRID, but in this blog post we’ll dive into the details and try to understand the definition itself.…

Geographic Indexes in InnoDB

One of the big features of MySQL 8.0 is geography support. MySQL now has a catalog of spatial reference systems (SRSs), of which almost 500 are geographic. Most functions also support geographic computations. What about indexes?

MySQL 8.0 comes with InnoDB spatial indexes for geographic data.…

Axis Order in Spatial Reference Systems

MySQL 8.0 has many new GIS features, including a catalog of spatial reference systems (SRSs) and support for geographic (latitude-longitude) computations.

In a Cartesian SRS, it doesn’t really matter which coordinate is on which axis. The axes are orthogonal and the units are the same on both axes, so if a user consistently puts the X value in the Y coordinate and the Y value in the X coordinate, it doesn’t affect computations (in the functions MySQL currently supports).…

Geography in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0.11 comes with a catalog of 5108 spatial reference systems (SRSs): 4628 projections (flat maps), 479 geographic (ellipsoidal) representations of Earth, and one Cartesian all-purpose abstract plane (SRID 0).


Projected SRSs are Cartesian planes, just like SRID 0.…

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