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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL-Scripts (reset)
Install exact version of Percona Server for MySQL on CentOS

This blog post serves as a work-log detailing the process of uninstalling and installing a specific version of Percona MySQL Server on CentOS. The post includes instructions for installation using…

The post Install exact version of Percona Server for MySQL on CentOS first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Providing Friday Proofs to MySQL Consultants | Scripts Functions Routines

In the MySQL world, I am surrounded by some of the best database consultant, it brings them immense joy about having a “Friday”, so much so that they cannot believe…

The post Providing Friday Proofs to MySQL Consultants | Scripts Functions Routines first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL function returns dates of specified day & between date range

This mysql stored function will return you all the dates between given dates having specified day. In short if you say: give me all Sundays in this month. I have…

The post MySQL function returns dates of specified day & between date range first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How To Generate Random test Data In MySQL

Are you tired of manually generating test data for your MySQL tables? If you’re looking for random data generator, look no further! Introducing the MySQL Random Data Generator, a powerful…

The post How To Generate Random test Data In MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL Function to Convert Date To Words

Recently I saw a MySQL Stored Function requirement on Experts-Exchange for converting date into some specific words format. You may find MySQL function for date to words conversion online; even…

The post MySQL Function to Convert Date To Words first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How to generate Insert Statement in MySQL

A lot of places I saw people asking for ways to generate Insert statements. We do have GUI Tool which can extract insert statements for us readily. Some of the…

The post How to generate Insert Statement in MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Ideas for select all columns but one mysql stored procedure

Assume we’ve a table with 100 rows and we need to select all columns but one.The problem is headache of actually typing out all 99 required columns!! In this blog…

The post Ideas for select all columns but one mysql stored procedure first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How to bulk rename table MySQL

Are you tired of manually renaming MySQL tables, one by one, especially when dealing with a large number of them? In this guide, we’ll introduce you to a MySQL stored…

The post How to bulk rename table MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL Stored procedure – Split Delimited string into Rows

This procedure will split  a “;” separated column in to new fields preserving ids. This is very specific problem, lets check it with example. Consider a sample table test: And…

The post MySQL Stored procedure – Split Delimited string into Rows first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL Stored procedure – Execute query if table or Column exists

Well procedures mainly carried out working with information schema and it’s usage in stored procedure. Procedures are fairly simple and easy to understand. 1. Edit_table – following procedure executes queries to…

The post MySQL Stored procedure – Execute query if table or Column exists first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Showing entries 1 to 10 of 18
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