Connector/J 5.1 (5.1.47 GA, published on Friday, 17 Aug 2018)
Connector/NET 6.10 (6.10.8 GA, published on Tuesday, 14 Aug 2018)
I was recently asked if there is anyway to select non-JSON data from a MySQL database and output that data in JSON format. There are two very easy ways to to this.
JSON Array
If you need a JSON array, it is very easy to use the JSON_ARRAY() function. Simply select the columns you want as the argument to JSON_ARRAY()
SQL> select
json_array(continent,Population, Code)
from country
limit 5;
| json_array(continent,Population, Code) |
| ["North America", 103000, "ABW"] |
| ["Asia", 22720000, "AFG"] |
| ["Africa", 12878000, "AGO"] |
| ["North America", 8000, "AIA"] |
| ["Europe", 3401200, "ALB"] |
5 rows in set (0.0006 sec)
[Read more]I will be speaking at the Dallas Fort Worth Unix User Group meeting July 7th MySQL Group Replication. Some folks asked for a reminder well beforehand especially with the upcoming US Holiday weekend, so here it is.
The meeting location is the IBM Innovation Center at 1177 South
Beltline Road, in Coppell, just south of the Airline Drive
traffic light. And just west of North Lake. Pizza at 6:45 and me
at 7:00PM.
Connector/NET 6.9 (6.9.12 GA, published on Wednesday, 02 May 2018)
MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2 (1.2.8 GA, published on Monday, 30 Apr 2018)
PHP Yorkshire is April 13th and 14th in the wonderful city of York. MySQL is proud to again sponsor this exciting conference and please stop by the MySQL booth and see if you can EARN a MySQL Plush Dolphin to go along with the very nice PHP elephant created by the organizers.
Live in Boston, Minneapolis, or the San Francisco area? Well, MySQL Innovation Days will be held in these three cities.
Register for these no-cost events:
April 27th, Redwood Shores, CA
May 1st, Minneapolis, MN
May 3rd, Boston, MA
There will be many topics covered but the highlights will be:
- MySQL 8.0 for developing modern web and mobile applications
- MySQL High Availability strategies using replication and MySQL InnoDB Cluster …
The Southeast Linuxfest is expanding Zero to DBA
Hero track to two days for 2018. This is a big step for the
show that is celebrating its tenth anniversary. I can not
announce the subjects of the talks or the names of the presenters
until the organizers have everything confirmed (and the call for
papers is open until April 20th) but I hope to see you June 8-10,
2018 at the Sheraton Charlotte Airport in Charlotte, North
This is a great event and the Zero to DBA Hero track is
a great way to learn more about data and databases!Zer
MySQL Router 2.1 (2.1.6 GA, published on Tuesday, 06 Mar 2018)
2017 Was a very busy year for me (the two dozen events on the sidebar do not include a few user group and Meetups where I spoke) and 2018 is ramping up.
First up is FOSDEM. FOSDEM is a free event in Brussels that i can best describe as organized chaos or chaotic organization. The MySQL & Friends Dev Room is organized by the amazing LeFred. This day will include some of the best technical talks on MySQL that from their short summaries given to us on the paper review committee (very honored to be on that committee) on MySQL related topics EVER!! We had a dozen or so speaking slots and four dozen A-level talks out of sixty some submissions. I could do a very successful conference with the talks not chosen. But look at the ones that where picked. There is also a …
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