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Displaying posts with tag: Multi Master (reset)
Use Case: Geo-Scale Multi-Master MySQL with Disaster Recovery

How to build a multi-region, multi-master MySQL cloud database back-end capable of serving a global high volume cloud contact center

This global SaaS provider is a Cloud Contact Center solution provider (the leading Salesforce telephony solution), who needed to deliver up-to-date data to clients as quickly as possible. Its cloud-based call center software frees users to make every conversation personal; it supports the creation of exceptional customer experiences that help serve better and sell more. Its technology is 100% cloud-based and device-agnostic for telephony infrastructure.

What is the Challenge?

Active/Active (multi-master) MySQL clustering is needed when there is significant update load on geographically distributed applications. These require fast response times both for updates and reads, and they also need to share data on a global scale.

  • Regional distribution of data
  • Deliver …
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Use Case: Geo-Scale Multi-Master MySQL

How to serve global IoT customers in the cloud – and secure SaaS revenue using Tungsten Clustering on cloud-based database services

SaaS providers typically rely on providing a quality service across multiple locations, with the best application and database availability. They tend to be growth-oriented and need to ensure that their business will always be available without having to worry about how their databases will achieve continuous operations.

Our customer for this use case is a global SaaS provider with an open data exchange platform for the Internet of Things (IoT) that has customers all over the globe.

This use case looks at how our customer migrated from a single region Amazon RDS deployment to a truly global, geo-distributed multi-master Tungsten Clustering database solution – a better, more scalable solution at a lower total cost. And how they did so without having to change their application, all the …

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Use Case: Geo-distributed Multi-master MySQL for Telco Providers

This is our third ‘multi-master MySQL’ blog in our Continuent MySQL Use Case series, with a focus on Telco providers. This blog concludes our multi-master MySQL mini-series along with the following two blogs:

As per our initial multi-master MySQL use case blog, multi-master replication for MySQL typically means that a user can write to any master node knowing that the write will be eventually consistent for …

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Use Case: Geo-distributed Multi-master MySQL for Financial Services SaaS Providers

For this next ‘multi-master MySQL’ blog in our Continuent MySQL Use Case series, we’re focusing on Financial Services Saas providers.

Often referred to as the number one open source database in the cloud, and a leading SaaS database, MySQL enables SaaS vendors to be competitive because it provides cost-effective data security and privacy, performance, and availability amongst other things, which are of particular importance for a SaaS business.

As per our previous multi-master MySQL use case blog (for e-commerce sites), multi-master replication for MySQL typically means that a user can write to any master node knowing that the write will be eventually consistent for all nodes in the cluster; unlike regular MySQL replication, where writes have to be applied to the sole master to ensure that it will be replicated to …

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Use Case: Multi-master MySQL for e-Commerce Sites

For this next blog in our Continuent MySQL Use Case series, we’re diving into a sub-series on the topic of ‘multi-master MySQL’.

We’ll cover three (3) multi-master MySQL use cases as part of this sub-series focusing first on e-commerce to start with, and then following up with use cases from financial services and telecommunications.

Multi-master replication for MySQL typically means that a user can write to any master node knowing that the write will be eventually consistent for all nodes in the cluster; unlike regular MySQL replication, where writes have to be applied to the sole master to ensure that it will be synched to all the slaves.

The First Multi-master Customer

The first Continuent multi-master customer is a leading fashion e-commerce company with sites servicing customers across the globe.

More specifically, it has four multi-brand online stores and several online flagship stores …

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Understanding Cross-Site Replication in a Tungsten Composite Multi-Master Cluster for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we will discuss how the managed cross-site replication streams work in a Composite Multi-Master Tungsten Cluster for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server.

Agenda What’s Here?

  • Briefly explore how managed cross-site replication works in a Tungsten Composite Multi-Master Cluster
  • Describe the reasons why the default design was chosen
  • Explain the pros and cons of changing the configuration
  • Examine how to change the configuration of the managed cross-site replicators

Cross-Site Replication A Very Brief Summary

In a standard Composite Multi-Master (CMM) deployment, the managed cross-site replicators pull Transaction History Logs (THL) from every remote cluster’s current master node. …

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Showing entries 1 to 6