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Displaying posts with tag: webinar (reset)
Upcoming HA Webinar Wed 6/21: Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication

Join Percona’s MySQL Practice Manager Kenny Gryp and QA Engineer, Ramesh Sivaraman as they present a high availability webinar around Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

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What are the implementation differences between Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7, Galera Cluster 5.7 and MySQL Group Replication?

  • How do they work?
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Q & A: MySQL In the Cloud – Migration, Best Practices, High Availability, Scaling

In this blog, we will provide answers to the Q & A for the MySQL In the Cloud: Migration, Best Practices, High Availability, Scaling webinar.

First, we want to thank everybody for attending the June 7, 2017 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that we were unable to answer during the webinar:

How does Percona XtraDB cluster work with AWS for MySQL clustering?

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Webinar June 7, 2017: MySQL In the Cloud – Migration, Best Practices, High Availability, Scaling

Join Percona’s CEO and Founder Peter Zaitsev as he presents MySQL In the Cloud: Migration, Best Practices, High Availability, Scaling on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, at 10 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

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Businesses are moving many of the systems and processes they once owned to offsite “service” models: Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), etc. These services are usually referred to as being “in the cloud” – meaning that the infrastructure and management of the service in …

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New Continuent Webinar Wednesdays and Training Tuesdays

We are just starting to get into the swing of setting up our new training and webinar schedule. Initially, there will be one Webinar session (typically on a Wednesday) and one training session (on a Tuesday) every week from now. We’ll be covering a variety of different topics at each. Typically our webinars will be about products and features, comparisons to other products, mixed in with product news (new releases, new features) and individual sessions based on what is going on at Continuent and the market in general. Our training, by comparison, is going to be a hands-on, step-by-step sequence covering all of the different areas of our product. So we’ll cover everything from the basics of how the products work, how to deploy them, typical functionality (switching, start/stop, etc), and troubleshooting. All of the sessions are going to be recorded and we’ll produce a suitable archive page so that you can go and view the past sessions. Need a …

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Percona Software and Roadmap Update with CEO Peter Zaitsev: Q2 2017

This blog post is a summary of the Percona Software and Roadmap Update – Q2 2017 webinar given by Peter Zaitsev on May 4, 2017. This webinar reflects changes and updates since the last update (Q1 2017).

A full recording of this webinar, along with the presentation slide deck, can be found here.

Percona Software

Below are the latest and upcoming features in Percona’s software. All of Percona’s software is 100% free and open source, with no …

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Joint Webinar May 17th: High-Availability & Scalability with Galera Cluster for MySQL

We will demonstrate the ease of monitoring Galera Cluster using Monyog MySQL monitor. By the end of the webinar, you will have a better understanding of how to use Monyog for monitoring Galera Cluster for MySQL to achieve a required balance of high availability and scalability.

Galera Cluster for MySQL is a multi-master active-active cluster. It is an easy-to-use, high-availability solution, which provides high system uptime, no data loss, and scalability for future growth. In this webinar, we will give an overview how does Galera Cluster work and what are the benefits of using Galera Cluster.

Join USA timezone webinar Wed, May 17, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

Join EMEA timezone webinar Wed, May 17, 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM CET

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TokuDB Troubleshooting: Q & A

In this blog, we will provide answers to the Q & A for the TokuDB Troubleshooting webinar.

First, we want to thank everybody for attending the March 22, 2017 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that we were unable to answer during the webinar:

Q: Is it possible to load specific tables or data from the backup?

A: Do you mean the backup created by TokuBackup? No, this is not possible. You have to restore the full backup to a temporary instance, then perform a logical …

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Webinar Thursday 3/30: MyRocks Troubleshooting

Please join Percona’s Principal Technical Services Engineer Sveta Smirnova, and Senior Software Engineer George Lorch, MariaDB’s Query Optimizer Developer Sergei Petrunia and Facebook’s Database Engineer Yoshinori Matsunobu as they present MyRocks Troubleshooting on March 30, 2017 at 11:00 am PDT / 2:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

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MyRocks is an alternative storage engine designed for flash storage. It provides great write workload performance and space efficiency. Like any other powerful engine, it has its own specific configuration scenarios that require special troubleshooting solutions.

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Troubleshooting Issues with MySQL Character Sets Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the Troubleshooting Issues with MySQL Character Sets webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending the March 9 MySQL character sets troubleshooting webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I wasn’t able to answer during the webinar, with responses:

Q: We’ve had some issues converting tables from




. Our issue was that the collation we wanted to use –

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Troubleshooting MySQL access privileges issues: Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the Troubleshooting MySQL Access Privileges Issues webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending the February 23 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I wasn’t able to answer during the webinar, with responses:

Q: Should the root@localhost user be given ALL privileges or Super privileges? Does All include Super privileges also?

A: Yes, you should have a user with all privileges. Better if …

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