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Displaying posts with tag: puppet (reset)
At Fosdem
on Friday evening , apparently having a confirmed reservation in a resto is not enough to actually be welcome at that restaurant. at DrupalDevdays, only 2 laptops were open during our presentation at DrupalDevdays, almost nobody in the room was already using CI at Fosdem , the parking lot is full before 11:30 on a saturday at Fosdem , much less Macs than last years . at Fosdem , way too much rooms are already at full capacity so you need to have 2-3 backup alternatives .. at Fosdem , people expect me to be in certain rooms, at the same time at Fosdem , even with too much rooms already full one still misses a bunch of interresting talks at Fosdem , one doesn't even realize friends are speaking there too .. at Fosdem , Android is the standard ... at Fosdem , you are confronted with the fact you probably forgot more names of people than you remember ;( at Fosdem , you are surrounded by famous open source people, that aren't even on the schedule at the MySQL Meetup Dinner, Monty brings …[Read more]
High Availability MySQL Cookbook , the review

When I read on the internetz that Alex Davies was about the publish a Packt book on MySQL HA I pinged my contacts at Packt and suggested that I'd review the book .

I've ran into Alex at some UKUUG conferences before and he's got a solid background on MySQL Cluster and other HA alternatives so I was looking forward to reading the book.

Alex starts of with a couple of indepth chapters on MySQL Cluster, he does mention that it's not a fit for all problems, but I'd hoped he did it a bit more prominently ... an upfront chapter outlining the different approaches and when which approach is a match could have been better. The avid reader now might be 80 pages into MySQL cluster before he realizes it's not going to be a match for his problem.

I really loved …

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Linux Open Administration Days 2010

So about 4 monts ago there was the crazy idea to start a new FOSS event in Belgium targeted at sysadmins.

What started out as an event for local people to meet local people with some local speakers actually ended up being a small local event with some top international speakers on onfiguration mananagement and system administration mixed with a bunch of good local ones !

I had the honour to open the conference with an extremely short version of the Devops talk I gave earlier last year.. extremely short as I knew that over the course of the weekend the topic would reoccur a lot.

We had the first european talk on Chef, by Joshua Timberman, and we had Puppet talks amongst by Dan Bode from Puppetlabs and CFengine talks , devops was a frequently dropped word,

We had a book raffle where …

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UKUUG Spring Conference 2010

Last week I was in Manchester for the 2010 UKUUG Spring Conference, right .. make that 2 weeks ago , :)

The UKUUG usually hosts the more interesting conferences around ... , it's not just the schedule that attrackts me , yes there's the strong focus towards Larger Scale Unix (and mostly Linux) deployments and how to manage them, but there's also the opportunity to chat in real life with the Devops from across the chunnel.

Spending time with R.I.Pienaar, Julian Simpson, Simon Wilkinson , Alex Davies , Simon Riggs , Josette, and many others is always fun .

As I …

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Eleven Open Source Cloud Computing Projects to Watch

Last month cloud computing and systems management expert John Willis published his best of Cloud Computing for 2009 list he calls the Cloudies.  I am not an expert on the latest developments in cloud computing so it was nice to get a list of the best (in his expert opinion) cloud computing tools. I was especially interested in the latest open source software and I did a little research on each of these projects to see if they had active development mailing lists, regular releases  and a real community behind …

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VMware,”Hey what ya’ building over there?”

Today I caught a tweet from Kara Swisher referencing some exclusive news she posted on Boomtown about VMware’s upcoming deal to buy Zimbra from Yahoo! This is would be VMware’s second acquisition of an open source ISV in under a year. In August 2009 VMware …

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Got Interviewed

by @botchagalupe
on Virtualization, Open Source tools and DNS Problems

Technorati Tags: dnsproblem drupal ha heartbeat linux-ha mysql pacemaker puppet virtualization xen

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2009.09.04

Topics for this podcast:

*EC pauses Oracle-Sun over MySQL
* Open source licenses debated
* Red Hat growth opportunities and Summit roundup
* Reductive Labs seeking cloud role for Puppet software
* VMware-SpringSource analyzed

iTunes or direct download (26:04, 5.9 MB)

OMG!! storedconfigs killed my database!

When I wrote my previous post titled all about storedconfigs, I was pretty confident I explained everything I could about storedconfigs… I was wrong of course

A couple of days ago, I was helping some USG admins who were facing an interesting issue. Interesting for me, but I don’t think they’d share my views on this, as their servers were melting down under the database load.

But first let me explain the issue.

The issue

The thing is that when a client checks in to get its configuration, the puppetmaster compiles its configuration to a digestible format and returns it. This operation is the process of transforming the AST built by parsing the …

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All about Puppet storeconfigs

Since a long time people (including me) complained that storeconfigs was a real resource hog. Unfortunately for us, this option is so cool and useful.

What’s storeconfigs

Storeconfigs is a puppetmasterd option that stores the nodes actual configuration to a database. It does this by comparing the result of the last compilation against what is actually in the database, resource per resource, then parameter per parameter, and so on.

The actual implementation is based on Rails’ Active Record, which is a great way to abstract the gory details of the database, and prototype code easily …

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