While one of our main servers is checking its root filesystem I
can take the time to write about MySQL licensing.
I think that the price model is not suitable for ISVs like the
company I work for. Prices begin at about 500 Euros per server
and year which would allow use to report two bugs. Since we
develop software that works on MySQL (and MaxDB and other
relational RDBMS) this model does't seem to be applicable to us:
We do not run a server for any customer or ourselves, we just
have some development environments. Also, we do not only run one
version of the software but four (Mysql 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1) just
to make sure our application works with all of them (customers
tend do have either ancient MySQL versions or brand new ones). So
shall we buy four cheap licenses? Four expensive ones for
unlimited bug reporting? One for unlimited bug reporting?
This subject is rather hot for me because our application …