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InnoDB Revision History

This is a brief overview of the history of InnoDB with respect to the Version Control Systems (VCS) that were used for developing. It could be useful to people who want to trace back in time to find the origins of bugs or features.

Early days
InnoDB was born in the mid 1990s when Heikki Tuuri started developing this masterpiece. Heikki was a lone developer at that time and he did not use any VCS. There is no InnoDB revision history before 2001.

2001 – 2005
Then in 2001 InnoDB was imported into MySQL’s BitKeeper repository and development continued, recording the history there.

2005 – 2010
Later on in Oct 2005 when Oracle acquired Innobase, InnoDB developers had to move away from MySQL’s BitKeeper repository and Subversion was chosen for InnoDB development. The latest sources from BitKeeper were imported into SVN without preserving the history …

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