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Displaying posts with tag: LuaSocket (reset)
Getting LuaSocket to Work with MySQL Proxy

I’ve seen some interest in trying to get LuaSocket working with MySQL Proxy, and most of those interested have run into issues getting this set up, so I want to provide a brief walk-through on how to get this set-up and working properly.

Note I tested this on Windows, so use .so instead of .dll on *nix systems.

1. Download LuaSocket (contains lua/ and lib/ directories)

2. Copy contents of ‘lua/’ into the following directory:

C:Program FilesMySQLmysql-proxy-0.8.0libmysql-proxylua

3. Copy contents of ‘lib/’ into the following directory:

C:Program FilesMySQLmysql-proxy-0.8.0bin

4. In step #3, you should have copied a ‘socket/’ and ‘mime/’ directories into bin/. Rename the directory named “socket” to “lua-socket”. This will get you past one set of errors.

5. Next, in the C:Program …

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